Chapter 1: Dreamshade

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I'm Annabelle and this is my second book so I'm still a little new to Wattpad and not so good and writing, but I will try to communicate everything helpfully. I don't own any of these characters except for a few Lost Boys I made up, Oliver, the natives and Tiger Lily. I apologise if this starts to seem a little confusing, but as the plot unravels itself it begins to make sense more.
I will try to update weekly, but I will be in Italy soon and therefore unable to update because I will have no wifi- sorry!
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'Steady as she goes.' Captain Liam Jones said sternly, standing behind Lieutenant Killian Jones, who was steering, and watching the ocean part before us as we glided through it. 'Work carefully men, we're not living like animals. Go take a break, Lily, you've been working all morning.' He ordered gently.

I sighed, racing off below deck obediently and into the hold below, filled with beds and boxes of mostly food, rum and weaponry. Ever since he suspected me and Oliver of kissing and falling in love, I had been avoiding Lieutenant Jones, not wanting him to mention it. I've also kept my distance from Oliver, still feeling guilty because I didn't really love him more than a friend and my loyalty and love would always be towards Malcolm, my husband.

'Hey, Cap'n, I got some'in'!' Called Alex from the crows nest, looking across with the telescope. 'It's the island!' He yelled. Like a light switch, the Captain raced from the decking above me, his footsteps like thunder across the decking.

'Lily!' Bellowed Killian Jones as he raced through across the maze of unordered hammocks, suspended from the rickety ceiling of the cabin. 'Where the hell are you, Lass?'

'Here, Captain.' I replied dismissively and the eager Lieutenant stormed closer towards me, thrashing his way through the ocean of bewildered pirates.

'Lily.' He gasped, stopping next to my hammock, panting and out of breath. I was hunched over, my legs crossed and my eyes narrowed as my eyes scanned the pages of my tattered book. Lieutenant Killian Jones rolled his eyes, knowing that he would find me here of all places. Whenever I had a spare second, I would spend it riffling through one of my many books. 'Where's Oliver!'

'Here!' Oliver called from behind me, daintily picking his way across the room, much more curious than I was as to the nature of Lieutenant Killian Jones's potentially exciting news.

'Time to go.' Killian said quickly and our smiles broadened as we rushed upstairs onto the deck. My eyes widened and I felt my magic and happiness glow as I saw my homeland: Neverland. It was exactly as I remembered, except this time none of the natives would be there, the shadow told me a boy named "Peter Pan" had killed them and I despised him for it. I may have left the natives to marry Malcolm and I may have loathed them for their disapproval of my marriage, but they were still my family and they still ruled Neverland, which would crumble without someone ruling it.

'What useful thing could you possibly want here?' I demanded impatiently, watching Captain Jones, the man whom I was sailing under the command of, his younger brother Lieutenant Killain Jones and Oliver haul the boat onto the sand and tie the small ship into the dock to prevent it from drifting away.

'I've told you so many times, Lily. We were sent on this mission just to collect this plant, and then we'll be on our way. We can rejoin the other sailors, sail back home, give this plant to the King and then continue our lives as normal. Then you may stay on this island if you please.' Liam explained gently, but with a frustrated and fierce undertone.

'So we went through storm after storm after storm and through hunger and pain and suffering... for a plant? Why would anyone go to so much trouble for you to collect a plant?' I snapped angrily, copying their actions with the ropes on my side of the small boat. Killian's older brother chuckled in a unamused way, but Killain himself turned to me.

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