"If you know about it then I don't think it is that big a secret," Kanak said trying to maintain her temper.

"Don't make a joke out of it," Palak screamed, "because it is not. Do you have any idea of what I will have to go through because of your foolishness? My prestige will be at stake amongst my in-laws," she said raising her chin a bit, "they will question me as to how come Aarav fell for someone like you..." she said and would have gone on but Kanak interrupted her.

"Wait a minute," Kanak said frowning, "why will your reputation be at stake? Why will they ask you questions? And what do you mean by 'how come Aarav fell for someone like you'?" she asked narrowing her gaze at her sister.

For a second Palak looked taken aback. She hadn't even realized what she had said in her anger. She had received a call from Dhruv an hour ago. She had been with her friends at an exhibition. And when she had heard what Dhruv had had to say she had been shocked. Aarav had hinted at resigning from his position at a board meeting today. He had cited reasons to being personal. When later Dhruv had asked him what was wrong Aarav had told Dhruv of his decision and why. She had heard the anger in Dhruv's voice and she had understood the implications. Her entire way here she had wondered about only three questions. One, exactly when had Aarav found someone as plain as Kanak to be attractive enough to fall in love with her. Two, why hadn't Kanak told her anything. And three, what repercussions would she face over this new development. She hadn't meant to let out her thoughts in a similar fashion in front of Kanak. But her anxiety over her position had lead her to lose her temper.

"I am waiting Palak Singhania," Kanak said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Kanak had surprised Palak again. That tone was very familiar but it was something Kanak had never used with her before. She looked carefully at her sister. She looked different. Her stance was closed. Her tone formal. Her eyes narrowed. And her arms over her chest. She looked just like...just like Aarav would in a similar situation. And Palak almost gasped. Her eyes grew large in her face. Her sister looked so confident standing there challenging her. Exactly when had the transformation happened? This wasn't the first time Palak had spoken of Kanak's plain looks or timid, unconfident attitude but this was definitely the first time where Kanak seemed to have taken an offence.

"You know what I am talking about di," Palak said lowering her voice a little, "your personalities don't match besides you are not suitable for him," she said evading the piercing glare she was getting.

"I don't owe you an answer Palak," Kanak said firmly, "how or why or whatever else you want to ask. I never asked you anything about your affair with Dhruv or other circumstances," she said evenly, "no two people are ever the same, if I and Aarav are different so are you and Dhruv," she said and heard Palak suck in her breath, "besides I get to decide who I suit and who I don't," she told Palak categorically.

"Wow di," Palak said theatrically, "where did you learn such confidence," she jeered, "frankly, I don't know if it suits you or not," she said and shrugged, "but will have to give it to you. I don't know how you did it but you managed to attract the attention of Aarav Singhania," she said faking surprise, "and he seems to be pretty serious too considering he has announced his resignation today," she said coyly and watched her sister keenly who looked a bit out of her element at that but not overly surprised or shocked, "nice tactic though. Am sure it is just a manipulative move to get what he wants. Especially because the kind of person he is," Palak went on missing the anger that had come over Kanak. She took a step to the side and walked around the room, "wonder what you saw in him? At least Dhruv is charming and considerate. He isn't like Aarav at all. But di, tell me honestly did you pause to think what everyone would say if this became public? What would ma and papa think? How would it be taken by my in-laws? How it would affect my rapport with them?" she said then paused and turned, "I think not," she said waspishly.

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