Chapter 69

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Tanish entered the corridor at a brisk pace. He was going to kill someone today. Most probably the man who had called him a friend and then literally ripped him off. How dare he? But mostly his anger was directed at himself. How the hell had he not seen through the falsehood? Maybe because he had been so self-assured that he couldn't be fooled that he missed out on certain aspects. The problem was the amount of money invested. And his reputation in the market. He would be done in if it was found that one of his ventures had failed. Not really done in but his self-made image would be affected. Big time. Where had he gone wrong was the only question in his mind? And he hoped the man responsible would be around to answer. If not, he will just have to kill someone else. It hadn't been long so hopefully the situation could be salvaged. He hoped so. He was so intent on reaching the man's room that he failed to notice the girl who had just stepped around the corner and he bumped into her. Hard. So much so she staggered back a few steps and would have fallen had his reflexes not worked. He reached out just in time to steady her or she would have fallen. Not that the girl appreciated his efforts.

"Look where you are going Sir," she said politely and it took Tanish a full minute to realize who she was. The case was the same for the girl too because the second she realized who she had bumped into her mannerism changed. "You," she said sharply and pushed his hand off her shoulders, "you really do these things deliberately don't you," Pratiksha said sharply.

"Though it is a delight to see you again too," Tanish responded sarcastically, "I am kind of in a hurry," he finished dismissing her and tried to walk past only he found she blocked his path.

"Nice," Pratiksha said just as sarcastically, "however, a little piece of apology doesn't take much time," she told him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Excuse me," Tanish said narrowing his gaze at her.

She was looking even more beautiful today. She wore her blue and green printed uniform sari with pearl tops in her ears, a thin gold chain in her neck and a neat bun at the back of her head. For some reason the severity with which she had tied her hair made him want to loosen it up for her but he decided to push that thought at the back of his head for now. Her big eyes flashed with irritation. He was sure that particular emotion was for him alone. It would have intrigued him in any other circumstance but he wasn't interested right now. Why did he keep bumping into her at the most inopportune moments? Why couldn't they meet in a more natural setting? He would love to have a battle of wits with her then. Right now, he was barely keeping a hold on his temper and he didn't want her to be a victim of it. The man who deserved it was two doors down the corridor.

"I said..." she started to repeat herself when he raised his hand.

"I heard what you said," Tanish said impatiently, "exactly what do I owe you an apology for," he asked tightly.

"You bumped into me," Pratiksha answered simply.

"I said I was in a hurry which I still am," he said curtly.

"An apology won't take much time Mr. Singhania," Pratiksha said smiling sweetly, "and you should be grateful, I am asking for just one," she said, "you owe me and my friend a few actually," she said and smiled.

"How long have you been this malcontent," Tanish asked frustrated with her.

"Since the day I have had the misfortune of meeting you," Pratiksha replied.

"You do know I can take this up with your manager," he said raising an eyebrow.

"Didn't you just say you were in a hurry," Pratiksha said keeping her tone sweet, "it would take a lot more time if you decided to go up to my manager," she said informing him, "but you can do so by all means," she said and shrugged.

Tanish fisted his hands. He wasn't joking when he was saying he was in a hurry. He had questions. And he needed answers right about now. All she was doing was delay him. And it was frustrating him. He could push past her but he had never been physical with a girl before. He wasn't about to start now. He took in a deep breath as he controlled the urge to scream at her. He was trying hard but she was fast eating what little patience he had today.

Pratiksha squinted slightly as she took in his expression. He wasn't himself today. He looked uptight. Coiled. Like a spring compressed. Normally he was his lazy self. His expression more laid back. His smile more mocking. Not today. He was tense. Almost angry. Or maybe he was angry. His smile had been tight too. His eyes alert as usual but an unmistakable swirling emotion could be seen if one looked carefully. His clothes of course remained typically the same, no change there. Beige khakis with a white round neck t shirt. Even his hair. Messier than the last time she had seen him. And he wasn't concentrating. She could see that. His gaze kept shifting. The two times when she had met him before his eyes had been very focused, very observant. What was wrong? The friend he had spoken of the last time, Mr. Dhingra, in the room down the corridor had already checked out an hour ago. He had seemed in a hurry too. A polite man with perfect manners. She had been amazed he and Mr. Snob here were friends. But who was she to judge. Stranger people with even worse personalities often were found to be friends. Coming back to Tanish she wasn't sure if she should goad him any further or let him be. She hadn't forgotten a word of what he had said previously nor how he had behaved. Worse, she hadn't forgotten how she had felt every single time. He had arisen anger and hate but also a softer emotions in her. All at the same time. And she wasn't happy about them at all. So, she had decided she hated him and he needed to apologize. But now she wondered if she should kind of rethink her decision. He seemed to be in a dangerous mood. Besides it had been an accident.

"Look," Tanish started when she raised her hand and he stopped abruptly. It was such a surprise to see her copy his action that he was taken aback for a second but she jumped the opportunity.

"I know it isn't in the Singhania blood to apologize," Pratiksha said and sighed, "so it might be expecting a little too much from the youngest of the clan when the older brother has just learnt the word 'humility'," she said keeping her tone sweet and polite, "you still have a long way to go," she said and then took in a deep breath, "just my luck," she said dramatically.

She smiled at him and then inclining her head took a step to the side and walked past him even as he stared at her. Then stopped a couple of steps away and turned around.

"Oh! By the way," she said, "the friend you are here to meet," she said and saw his gaze narrow, "Mr. Dhingra," she went on and judged from his expression that she had got that part right, "checked out an hour ago," she finished sweetly and saw a strange expression on his face. It was a mix of anger and frustration. Or both maybe. But the tightening of his jaw and tenseness of his body told her, that wasn't a good news. She saw him fist his hand at that and realized it was probably worse. What was wrong? Did the two have a fight? Or was it something else? Was he in trouble? She wasn't sure. And suddenly she wanted to ease his tension. That thought brought her to a stop and she felt her own eyes widen a bit. What did she care? He was a boor. A mean man. And yet. But she wasn't receptive of the idea yet or even delve into the why of that idea. She smiled tentatively not sure what else to say. "Have a nice day," she said softly and then turning around walked away swiftly hoping he hadn't seen the sudden changes in her thoughts.

Damn. The second she had confirmed his worst fear that Rohan had left he had felt a strange tenseness take over. She hadn't left immediately after making that announcement. She had stood there watching him. Why? And he had noticed the changing expression on her face. He hated her. He did. How could he not? And yet he had always been aware of her in every way possible. He had always been able to notice even the smallest of things about her. Now was not the time though. With Rohan already gone he was in a fix. How could he have miscalculated? How could he have misjudged? He had never failed at a venture before. Never. He had never been duped. He wasn't exactly duped right now but he felt cheated and that too by his own friend. He looked up and found she had gone. He raked a hand through his hair frustrated with himself. What was he going to do? His family wouldn't let him hear the end of it. Worse, what would Aarav say? He had advised him to not get over confident with this project and he hadn't listened. But he never listened to Aarav. He was a bit lost right now but he was sure he would be able to survive the setback. He will have to. He couldn't lose. Not to Aarav.

Not now. Not ever.


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