Chapter 70

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Aarav sat in his study working on his laptop. It had been two days since he had confessed how he felt for Kanak. And he felt at peace. And he had fallen in love with her again. Every time he saw her. She was an amazing creature. Her words, her shyness, her innocence combined together was a potent mixture and he just couldn't spend enough time with her. Of one thing he was very sure, he would never get bored with her around. Her thoughts amused him. Her expressions intrigued him. She seemed more beautiful to him every time he saw her again. How was that even possible he wasn't really sure? But that was how he felt and he knew the truth of his feelings.

As he worked his thoughts changed direction from Kanak to what he had done today. He had averted a catastrophe. He could have not intervened but he had known eventually he will have to and a stitch in time saves nine was something he had learnt a long time ago. So instead of waiting for things to fall apart before repairs began he took it upon himself to curb the problem before it escalated. Though he hadn't been able to completely get things done the way he would have wanted but something was better than nothing. Only he wasn't sure if his efforts would be appreciated by the concerned party. He knew somewhere he was probably expecting too much and being a person who always faced stark reality boldly he was waiting for the storm to arrive at his doorstep any second now. The thought must have crossed his mind a second before the door to his study flew open and a very angry Tanish strode in with determined steps. Aarav watched his brother walk inside and took in the livid expression on his face. Aarav sighed as he got ready to face another outburst. He leaned back in his leather chair and waited.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Tanish said tightly as he tried to keep his anger in control.

"Your brother," Aarav responded and saw the nerve tick at Tanish's temple as he clenched his jaw.

"Brother my foot," Tanish said angrily, "you had no right to interfere in my affairs," he said.

"Tanish," Aarav said authoritatively, "do you have any idea how much was at stake because of your recklessness," he said brusquely, "had I not interfered your reputation would have been in tatters not to mention several inquiries that would have piled on your head as well as ours," he shot back.

"It was my venture," Tanish argued, "I would have taken the hit and the responsibility," he said his anger mounting, "you needn't have bothered. And it would never have come to what you are saying," he told Aarav.

"Really," Aarav said getting up from his chair and leaning his weight against the table, "you forget dear brother," he said coldly, "you have something else attached to that name of yours," he said as if reminding Tanish, "you are not just Tanish you are Tanish Singhania," he said his tone turning frigid and Tanish scoffed, "everything you do directly or indirectly affects us too," he informed Tanish, "I had warned you against this investment, you refused to listen," he said straightening to his full height, "I let you be, trusting you to make the right choices because you have the intelligence to do that only this time you refused to listen to even your instincts," Aarav said and crossed his arms over his chest, "I had to get in and salvage the situation the best I could. At least half of your investment was recovered. That friend of yours managed to get out before I could get a tab on him or else he would have been facing a lot worse than just charges of fraud," he said angrily.

Tanish knew what Aarav said was right but he couldn't bring himself to admit it. Call it pride, call it stubbornness or call it habit. In a way Aarav had helped and the amount he had recovered was more than what Tanish could have ever got. And that is what was irritating him so much. Why was he so good? Why was he so better at everything than him? No matter how much Tanish tried he still fell short. The second that thought came to him his anger grew. He wouldn't bow before Aarav. Never.

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