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I wake early as usual, my eyes drift over Zoes nude body once before getting up and dressing. I head downstairs. Mrs Caroline is already up she has been staying with us to help with Mrs Stone.

"Mrs Caroline, the mail come yet," I ask

"Yes sir, I laied it on the island," she tells me

"Thank you,"

I step into the kitchen, looking through the pall on the island. Bills, mostly then, one black envelope, no return address. It was addressed to myself and Zoe. This had to be it. I found my litter opener and cut into it. I read the letter silently.

"What's that?" Zoe asks, coming up behind me

"The first letter," I tell her, pulling her into my side

"What does it say?"

"It has a combination to a locker where the next letter will be found"

"Do they think this is a joke?" she asked

I caress her back, I could feel her tension. "I need to call Hinderson. Maybe he can get some fingerprints off this," I tell her

She nods, "I'm going check on mom," she says

"You should eat something," I tell her

"Maybe later," she says

After getting off the phone with Hinderson, he has me meeting him where the locker is located. I don't tell Zoe I am going because I needed her safe as well. Hinderson had the bomb squad go in to make sure whatever was in locker 237 was not going blow up in my face.

This letter would tell us where to find the third letter.

I lift the last letter with the postman. He's to give it only to you, Mr. Matthews. Hold on to that first letter. you're going need it in the end. You have until 3:15 to retrieve the last letter. I'll be waiting for the phone call.

Like the other one, it's not singed. I looked up at the clock. I only had a few minutes left. Hinderson takes the letters, and we head to the post office.

"I'm here to pick up a letter," I tell the men behind the desk

"Name and ID please sir" He says

"Rafe Matthews," I tell him, handing him my license

"Did you see the man that dropped this letter off?" Hinderson asked the postman

"No, sir, sorry, but we switched out after lunch," he tells him

"Who you switch with," Hinderson asks

"I'm sorry I'm not allowed to give personal information," the man says

Hinderson pulls his badge out of his pocket, showing it to the man. "We're on official police business."

The man nods. "Jerry Hunter, he lives out on New Hope Road," the postman tells him

"Thank you for your cooperation," Hinderson says

I opened the letter first, reading it to myself. My face truning red as I read this man's demands.

"He wants over a half million dollars in cash. Put into the locker we went to this morning."

"Is that it?" Hinderson asked


"What else is he asking for?"

"Zoe's panties she has on"

We stopped at the bank before we headed home. I had to sign papers and explain why I was taking over half a million dollars out of my account. Zoe was sitting at the island as we entered the house. She stands up as we enter.

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