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Happy Valentine's Day everyone, I hope you got flowers and chocolates from your loved ones, if not boys then just your friends, it's not always about romance! I know it's been a few days since I last updated and I am not proud of myself for that, the following chapters will come out soon, I promise! 🤪

I open my eyes to a very loud bam, I see confetti flying around the room, a lot of people surrounding me singing happy birthday, my sister next to me holding a birthday cake.

A natural smile appears on my face, something very rare in the morning since every time I wake up I'm mad and grumpy, I make a wish before I blow the candles, I've been wishing for the very same thing my whole life and I would never spend my birthday wish for something useless.

I get up from the bed and everyone starts hugging me and wishing me happy birthday, when I say everyone I mean Monica, Adelina, Daniel, Max, Carlos and Lando.

We eat some cake and then they all get going so we can start heading to the track "what a brilliant idea, to creep the shit out of me while I'm asleep" I say ironically and Adelina scoffs "it was Monica's idea, not mine" she says and my sister rolls her eyes.

"Thank you for giving me away" Monica says sarcastically "yeah but Daniel insisted" Adelina says and I chuckle and start getting dressed.


It's 2pm and there's only qualifying left for today which is in 2 hours so I've got a lot of time until then, I'm walking back to the garage, I was eating lunch with my sister and Adelina.

I open the door and enter the office, where every mechanic is, everyone screams "happy birthday!" and music starts playing "how did you know it was my birthday? I thought you didn't know" I say enthusiastically and they all look at Daniel.

"Thanks Dan" I say and I hug him "I didn't do anything, I just informed them" he says and I smile.

The rest of the day went by very quickly and it's time for my party, I'm getting ready, I'm wearing a baby pink short strapless dress, white boots and a white cowboy hat, perfect for the occasion, we're literally in Texas, I also have a couple of other hats for the guests.

(Boots and hat in the comments)
(The dress)

We're in the bar for a little while now, drinking shots, we ate some cake and now it's time for the fun part

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We're in the bar for a little while now, drinking shots, we ate some cake and now it's time for the fun part.

Since we're in Texas there's no way we're not riding a bull, not a real one obviously, the simulator that's located in the bar we are.

After everything we've drunk and eaten the bull is the cherry on top of all that, the perfect thing to make us all throw up, but honestly who cares? We're here to have fun.

"The birthday girl should go first!" Max says and I roll my eyes and walk towards the bull, I take off my shoes and get on the bull, I grab the bull tightly and then it starts swinging and vibrating, turning around like crazy.

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