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"i am a brutally soft woman"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"i am a brutally soft woman"

THE following days came slowly, and unnervingly, for Esther. Each day another without a word from her father, or Uhtred for that matter. Not that she wanted to hear from him, but if it was news of her fathers fate she would let him off. In the days she had been waiting, Pagans had invaded the town of Wessex, though Esther tried not to pay much mind to it. Able to avoid any treachery thanks to her lack of religious belief as a whole. Though she had heard that her people's King, Alfred, had fled in a similar direction to Uhtred.

Eventually, however, word of Alfred returning became true. And once more they declared a brief war on the Vikings before removing them from Wessex.

That day, Esther had made her way towards the main 'castle' - although a pathetic attempt at one in Esther's opinion. Slipping inside the doors to find the main hall, where she'd been told Alfred and Uhtred were currently talking.

"I can assure you, Uhtred, myself and Wessex are inde-" Alfred had started, but was cut off by doors opening.


The mentioned turned, finding a red-headed girl who didn't seem overly pleased to see him, "Esther," he sighed out, "what can I do for you?"

"What can you do for me? You can tell me where my father is, and why in the hell-"

"Language," Alfred almost murmured, causing a slight glare from the girl.

"Why on earth he hasn't returned home," she spat, jabbing Uhtreds chest. When she tilted her head to actually look at the Pagan-Saxon, her stomach dropped at his uncharacteristically sad demeanour. The way his face seemed to almost pale and a look of guilt creeped over him. Nonetheless, she steeled herself and jabbed him once more, "answer me, Arsling, I don't have all day,"

"He's dead," he answered simply - as if that wasn't a groundbreaking revelation. Or, that it shouldn't of been a heartbreaking one, "his neck was sliced when we were in a defensive position," he explained further, though his voice lacked a bit of empathy (perhaps there was the slightest bit, but not enough for Esther to feel bad for the man).

"This better be some form of cruel joke," Esther muttered, brows furrowed to a point it almost hurt, "tell me where he is."

"Buried in an Ealdorman-marked grave," Alfred chimed in, "where he died,"

"You buried him?" Esther asked, slightly breathless due to the tight feeling in her chest, "Uhtred tell me you're kidding," there was the slightest pleading noise to her voice before she harshly smacked his chest, "tell me you're fucking kidding!" but, when he simply shook his head and managed out a very small and quiet 'sorry', a pained sob left the woman's throat. Her hand had gone shaky without her even realising it, covering her mouth. It took another few seconds before the news properly sank in, whether that was the fact her father had been buried without her, or that he was dead. She didn't quite know which order the news had hit her properly.

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