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"she writes the poetry she can not live"

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"she writes the poetry she can not live"

YEARS had passed since Uhtred was officially dragged into the King's will and ways. Forced into things he didn't wish for - including that of a marriage.

Mildrith was a lovely woman, Esther adored her. They were similar in age, spoke a lot and acted like sisters. They shared similar views too. To top it off, Esther had been helping Mildrith with her pregnancy when Uhtred was busy.

Esther split her time between spending time with the wedded couple and spending time with her father. She was currently in a state of begging the ageing man to quit his job, allowing Esther to take over running the place. She worked, it got her money.

"Father stop being a stubborn bastard, you're worse than Uhtred," Esther groaned, rubbing her temples, "listen to me, please? I actually have good ideas, yuh'know,"

"I'm aware, Esther. But I have a reputation to upkeep, if you were a son this would be different," he sighed out, taking another sip of his beverage.

"A son? You bring my gender into this again and you're a damn dead man,"

"Do not threaten me Esther," Leofric almost pleaded, "I'm not saying you aren't capable. You are, I know that better than anyone," he sighed, standing up to look at his daughter, "but in the eyes of others you're nout but a feeble girl. You know that,"

As much as Esther hated to admit it, he was right. No woman was taken seriously, not now and probably not for years to come. She was barely taken seriously selling food at stalls. Barely respected.

Opening her mouth to speak, Esther paused as words fell short on her tongue. So, she just nodded a bit.

"I know you're worried, we have one last threat to deal with. Once Cynwit is dead, I'll talk to Alfred," Leofric promised.

"And if you die beforehand? What then? I'm expected to deal with it?" she asked, brows furrowed as she crossed her arms over her chest. Almost to shield herself.

"You sound like your mother," He murmured, shaking his head, "That won't happen, I've survived this damn long and I got'a live long enough to kill Uhtred,"

Esther rolled her eyes a bit, "your damn cockiness will be your death," she muttered, "plus it's not like I have Osferth to keep me company now you're away either,"

She murmured, arms crossing over her chest. It had been a couple years since Osferth had left on some form of religious trek, an unexpected and unnecessary one too. Esther had no idea what it was, Osferth had barely had time to explain it to his cousin before he was whisked off.

"Maybe you should join a church," Leofric suggested, "keep your mind occupied so you stop worrying so much,"

Esther stared at the man, one brow raised, "absolutely not," she mumbled, shaking her head a bit, "that's absurd, they'll stop me drinking,"

"Not a bad thing,"

"Rich coming from you," Esther shot back, eyes narrowing a tad, "plus I have other things to do. Keep this house stable when you're off gilly-gallying with Uhtred,"

Leofric rolled his eyes and scoffed some more cut meat into his mouth, "Im off," he stated, "to gilly-gally apparently,"

Leofric joked as he stood and shoved his plate to the side. Pressing a kiss to his daughters head before the man headed off without another word.

It had been days since Esther had heard from anyone. Isolated in a cramped village that threatened to be attacked every couple seconds. She did eventually however have a small, almost pitiful knock sound at her door. Expecting it to be her father she answered the door half-heartedly, pausing when she saw Mildrith.

"Mildrith-" Esther blinked slightly, taking in the woman's red eyes and solemn expression, "are you alright? What are you doing in Wessex?" she asked, helping the woman inside and quickly fetching a blanket for her shoulders. Mildrith quietly thanked her, gripping the blanket tight, "where's your boy?"

"He's dead," she muttered, looking to Esther, "he-"

Esther stared at Mildrith, momentarily shocked before pulling her into a hug, "Mildrith I'm so sorry," she whispered, kissing the girls head, "was Uhtred there?"

She shook her head, Esther only nodded. No more words were needed, they just sat together in a comforting silence. Until-

"He's been with another woman," Mildrith admitted, "Iseult," she confirmed, Esther had heard about this woman from her father.

Esther's brows furrowed, she always knew Uhtred had little proper respect for women. While he trusted their abilities, he didn't appear to keep them around for much more than his own fun.

"Hes a bad husband to you, Mildrith," Esther said, "you deserve someone better, I hope you know that," Esther sat beside the other ginger woman, gently taking her hands in her own, "what are you gonna go?"

"Join a church," she said, "My religions been a constant in my life, I fear it's my only way out of all this,"

Esther nodded, "alright. A local one?" Mildrith nodded, "i'll be sure to visit. Like I did with Osferth,"

short but i'm too tired to write more.
angst next chapter tho!!

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