4. Where did you wonder off to?

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{Phoenix Fashion}
{Sofra's Pov}

It was a week since that incident in Metropolis and Arya and I decided to stay in just to make sure cause that was terrifying to be honest. I sat in my office sewing the hem on a custom dress order then my phone went off and I grabbed it to see who it was. It was a text from Clark we kept in touch especially after that attempt of an alien invasion he checked in when he could considering he was a journalist and I was working on one of my new fashion line . I texted him back and continued sewing the dress. "Hey Sof- whoa" I heard Arya walk in half an hour later "oh hey Arya what's up?" She stared at me "There is no way you are doing this huge dress by hand are you?" completely ignoring my question "Well some parts of this dress require me to sew it by hand and some parts don't require to do that but I started it 3 days ago so I am just adding finishing touches to it" Arya just grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my office "Hey! Arya you don't have to pull me anywhere!" I protested cause I would have gone willingly with her "Well Sof we are getting proper food and getting you some fresh air you were staying up late trying to finishing this" She was right and I couldn't deny it " where are we even going to eat at?" She stopped for a sec " I actually haven't decided yet I thought you would have an idea" I wasn't sure either "Um how about buger king cause it's close by and I need to grab a few things" What I had to grab was just some satin ribbons and other small stuff "Alright then it's decided burger King it is"

{Sunshine mall}
{Arya's Pov}

I don't know how the heck we ended up in the mall but we did after we ate and somehow Sofra convinced me to go here "Hey Sof- where the hell did she go she was right here" I turned and I didn't see her anywhere how on earth did I lose her she was literally right here.I started to look for her I even checked a store she is always in she wasn't there I should have known I would have lost her in here "Oh hey you're Sofra's friend right?" I turned to see Clark standing there "Yea Clark right by chance have you seen Sofra?" He nodded "Actually I have she said she was heading to another store" If I know her I think I know which one he mean "If you lost her I could help you find her if you want" I was thankful for the help as Sofra has a tendency to wonder off in a mall especially if they have fabric stores in them "Sure oh and by the way I still think you were dumb for leaving in that alien attack but for the sake of my bestfriend I will give you another chance " he laughed again "I appreciate your concern plus I already told Sofra I was fine I thought she told you" she did I just still think it was pretty stupid "She did and I think I see her" it was her and she went into another this time for shoes I guessing it was for the gown earlier "Sofra where did you wonder of to?"

{Sofra's Pov}

I heard Arya from behind me "Arya I did told you was going to grab a few things but you were so deep in your thoughts you didn't here and that means something is up with you. You were zoned out all day" I turned to her and saw Clark standing next to her "Oh hey again" I said to him "Hey Sofra uh thanks again for agreeing to make me a new suit for work " which I did agree to "No problem Clark I will get it to you by Friday is that good for you" I look at Arya to see her deep in thought " yea that's fine with me thanks again oh and try not to wonder off again " I laughed "I won't I promise " and Arya spoke "Sofra you know damn well that's a lie" Well she didn't have to out me like that "I will try not to is that better " I said actually meaning it "okay then see you Friday oh and I owe another day out" Arya looked at me with a look and I knew exactly what that look means "Sure see you Friday then" when he left and was out of sight Arya was about to say something "Arya it's not what you think we are just getting to know each other more" I tried to explain to her "Sof love you sis but you are blind to your own feelings and I can't wait to tell you I told you so" She smiled and I was really not thinking about that atleast I don't think I was I really don't know about these things "Arya i wouldn't know so I'm not sure what it means to like someone in the way you are suggesting " She sighed and that sigh was like do I need to tell you everything "Do I need to tell you everything and teach you everything which I don't mind but you never had a crush before?" I knew she would say that "No atleast I don't think so" I really wasn't sure "Girl you have alot to learn but first of all sorry for zoning out so much its just that I got a call from my father and you know how that is" no wonder she was zoning out so much "Oh is it about her?" If it is about her sister then I see why she would zone out "Yea he wants me to go home to celebrate her engagement to Damien and he wants to talk about our family vacation" hell no I pray she doesn't agree to go especially if Damien is there "Please tell me you said no cause if you didn't you know I have no problem of putting your sister in her damn place" and I mean it that girl is the definition of a bad sister "Sof appreciate it but I did come up with an excuse not to go " I wonder what it was "What was it?" She sighed "I said I have business meetings with Wayne Enterprises all month for a project we were working on" for her sake I hoped he bought it "You better hope it works you know he tells Lilith everything and when she finds out" I saw it was stressing her out "I know I didn't tell him much just that I was working as his personal assistant and I told my mom half of the truth" I don't blame her for lying to her father "I just hope Bruce Wayne actually agrees to it if not I don't know how much longer I can keep up with these lies Sof" I knew it was taking a toll on her and because of her family I understand why "I know Ari but you are stronger that anyone of them I mean like come on you built your company from the ground up without help from your parents and they didn't know anything about it not one but 3 and I think that's an amazing thing to do" I reminded her and we started to walk out of the mall "Not only that you are the smartest person I know Lilith is just jealous of you in general and you save people every chance you get just liked how you saved me Ari" at this point Arya look like she was going to cry "Trust me Ari no one and I mean no one can do what you do and You are my bestfriend actually you are more than my bestfriend you are my sister even if we aren't biological ones and no one can change that not even you" Arya started to cry "Sof seriously you are the best bestfriend anyone can ask for sometimes I really do wish you were my sister instead of Lilith" hugging me when she said that it is the least I can do cause she always did it for me and is always there when I need her the most and in my opinion she is alot stronger than me "Ari I could say the same to you now we are taking the rest of the day off you need it" she smiled and we headed home

{Newcrest Apartments}
{Sofra's Pov}

We were relaxing and talking about our day as always and then she explained what exactly a crush is or what it meant to like someone in the way she was referring "I didn't think of it like that do I like him I only met him a month ago and that was for an interview and we kept running into each other and we only started to actually talk 2 weeks ago I don't know Ayra" I really didn't know what to feel I mean I do trust him but do I like him? "It's fine sof I mean even if you two remain just friends I just think it's cute the way you trust him its nice to see you talking to more people and making more friends but they can never replaceme just saying" I laughed "Of course they can't they won't understand us and your crazy ass" I replied causing her to burst out laughing "How am I the crazy one sof?" I grabbed my phone and started looking at some screenshots "See right here you sent me a message saying found out everything about Clark Kent down to his address and phone number within the span of a day" I was so proud I saved that screenshot I knew it would come in handy "And you chased someone down the street for a bag and I still the crazy one" I gasped dramatically as she continued laughing "I will have you know I am not one to stand up there and get robbed" even I started laughing "You got lost in a mall you knew at the back of your palm" ain't no way we doing this right now "I wondered off and couldn't find your short self" I laughed "You ain't tall Sofra you still need a step ladder to reach the top cabinet" She nearly fell out her chair laughing "And you blind as a bat you couldn't find your phone and it was right in front of you" I was laughing so hard that my eyes started to water "Girl I know you ain't talking when you got lost in fabric" She told me "Atleast I didn't trip on air" there was silence for bit before we just continued laughing "That made my day so much better" which I was glad it did "Me too I must say we real stupid sometimes " She nodded in agreement her phone went off "Oh my gosh Sof! He agreed he actually agreed to the project!" I was so proud of her "See I knew it there is nothing you can't do" she rolled her eyes laughing "Now it's time to really celebrate" She looked at me "I don't wanna leave home though " I agree with her on this one " I could make chicken and chips and bake a cake cause I also don't want to leave home" She smiled "yes you read my mind"

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