2. Another Coincidence

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{In Sunshine mall}

I normally go to this mall because of of the fabric store but I also have errands to run as we ran our of groceries yesterday.To be honest it lasted us a month but that's besides the point.  Other than that I keep seeing the same journalist everywhere, I mean obviously I don't mind but Metropolis is a huge city , I honestly think we live in the same area . Damn I think about him to much and the fact I remembered his name . Now that I think about it why the hell do I even remember his name . Look I came here for one reason and I already distracted . I went into a couple stores and then I went Tejido Tela my favorite fabric store.

"Sofra back so soon" an employee that I always saw here was working today

"Oh hey Cariyn,  yea I am kind low on fabric " I walked up to to her

"Well what are you looking for exactly " I started to think about it

"I need some   velvet please"   She started looking around the store

"We only have a small bit of satin left but we get a restock next week " it's fine honestly I wanted to make one dress for a new store location .

I let her know it was enough fabric for the dress I wanted to make after buying the fabric, I went to a shoe store that had a pair of shoes that were going to match the dress. A couple hours later I realized I got alittle carried away and went to the supermarket like I was supposed to in the first place.

"Sofra?" I heard someone call out to me

"Oh Clark right?" I really didn't expect to run into him again

"Yea I'm surprised you remember my name" I picked up paprika and whole bunch of other seasonings

"Yeah I am too but I remember faces and people's voices " I hope that didn't sound to weird

"Oh I totally understand what you mean" after a bit of silence he asked me a question

"I hope it is not weird me asking you this but  do you live in mid-town Metropolis because we keep running into to each other all of the time" I honestly didn't mind him asking me it is strange to me that everytime we bump into each other I can sense that he wouldn't hurt me

"Yeah I do I live with my bestfriend because she doesn't trust to live on my own" he started to laugh

"Why I'm so sorry for laughing but are you accident prone" I mean I get it that's the first thing people think of when I say live with my bestfriend

"They are couple reasons one of themI am not comfortable with sharing but it's not because of that and if anything she can't live without me" I said laughing

"That's fine I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I felt like I made this conversation awkward

"No No it's really fine but I'm guessing you also live in mid-town Metropolis" that seem to lighten the mood

"yea I do actually that's why I asked you" I forgot how much  time we spent talking

"Hey how are you getting home Sofra " how do I say even though I own I car but I like to walk sometimes

"I was going to walk home honestly" he looked at me like I was I was an alien or something 

"But you have a bunch of bags with you and I don't think you can carry all of them" I mean I could do that but the way I would do it would look weird or even scare normal people I mean it definitely scare the helll out of me if I was normal

"You have a great point I should have thought of that and drove here" I really should stop going shopping and running errands without my car I really gotta remind myself about that

"I can drop you to your apartment it's on my way home so it won't be out of the way for me" now I wouldn't take lifts from strangers but if I go missing Arya would find me so

"Thank you but if you kidnap me trust me my bestfriend not only would find but I am not easily kidnapped" even after I said that I still couldn't not pick anything bad about him

"I would never kidnap anyone but if you don't trust me you could always keep the location on your phone on just in case" he had a point

"You have another point" we checked out at the cashier and he put the bags in the trunk and even opened the door for me.

And as expected we continued to talk all the way to my apartment. When we go there he helped me carry the bags up.

"Thanks Clark it was great talking with you and thanks again for the ride home" he didn't have to do any of that but yet he did and that was sweet

"No problem it was a good thing to do" it was another moment of silence

"Sofra if it is okay I would love to get know you more"  I also wanted to get to know him more

"I'm okay with that here is my number so that we can get in contact with each other" he agreed and we exchanged numbers

"would you like to meet up next week saturday at a coffee shop?" His offer did not fail to get my attention

"Sure what time?" We decided on 12 next week . We said our goodbyes and I entered my apartment.

"Sofra explain to me who that man was?" Arya was standing behind the door

"Can you atleast help me with the groceries first?" She did end up helping me and then she stared at me

"Arya why the hell do you keep staring at me for" She just continued to stare at me

"Again who the hell was that" there is no ignoring the question because I know she won't stop asking until I tell her

" He was the journalist that interviewed me,  we ended up at the same supermarket and offered me a ride home since I didn't drive" She looked at me like she wanted to kill me and hug me at the same time

"Sofra bestie I love you but you are dumb as hell"

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