Sample of the Deadlands

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The next day went by like a breeze. Elas had managed to get back to town, spread the rumors, then get back to the cave in less time then it took them to first walk there. After that the Elf began packing two bags, one for Leo and one for Jack. He wasn't packing clothes for Elas had none that would fit a human or a half Dwarf. You are going to need to pack your own clothes, what I'm giving you are just a few useful items that will come in handy said Elas Naerel.

He wasn't kidding ether, as the items he was giving them were very useful. In Jacks bag he put an enchanted flint and steel fire starter that could ignite a fire in almost any weather. A map of the world with an ink compus on it that actually functioned. Then there was the magic water skin that could hold twice its size in water.

In Leo's bag he put a hand held telescope with a gold ring around it that when turned could zoom in and out for miles. Next to the telescope went a handful of vials with first aid quick acting red healing potions inside. It's not a cure all, and you only have five but it should help when in a pinch Elas said. Lastly in both Leo and Jacks packs Elas put rolled up all weather blankets. These grey wool like sheets of fabric were made from fur freely given by a magical creature. They can keep you cool in the blistering heat or warm in the harsh cold. The blankets had their limits though and could only handle so much of ether extreme.

Lastly with his knowledge of alchemy and two rods taken from a mighty oak tree Elas forged the friends a pair of walking sticks. Here these should be of great aid to you in this journey said Elas as he handed them the walking sticks. While confused the two friends still except the gift gratefully. Through Alchemy and my magic I was able to improve the oak staffs said Elas. Improve how asked Jack? As long as you hold the walking stick with at least one hand your stamina will not drain nearly as fast, in other words you will have to work twice as hard to deplete your stamina said Elas. So this boosts are stamina, that's handy said Leo as he eyed the staff in a new light.

No said Elas. No asked Leo? The walking stick does not boost stamina, only helps you not to burn through it as fast. Oh, well that's really good to said Leo now understanding. Yes and the walking stick can also double as a defensive weapon added Elas beaming with pride at his work. How's that asked Leo? Well thanks to the Alchemy the oak making up the walking stick is now even more durable explained Elas. I would say that no less than a mid level magical beast will be able to shatter that wood he continued.

After Leo and Jack packed the rest of the things they would need, all three men went back to Dey. This time Elas didn't hide himself and stood in full view of the town as an Elf. The last nail in the coffin of rumors that Leo is the hero. Ready to head off asked Elas? Ready as we'll ever be answered Leo. With the deadlands as dangerous as they are I doubt anyone can be fully ready said Jack. But with you by are side Elas I'm sure we'll be just fine Jack quickly added.

Yes I will be by your side for the first leg of the journey said Elas, but eventually I will have to depart you. What! You're not staying with us exclaimed Jack! I'm afraid not for I must get back to the hero and her party explained Elas, I will only be staying with you long enough to make you the full target of Drogur. The two friends eyes widened at this. They knew he didn't wish them harm but it still sounded bad. Uh that didn't come out they way I meant it said Elas slightly embarrassed. Don't worry we know exactly what you mean said Leo.

Elas then put a hand on Leo and Jack's shoulders. Things won't be all bad, I don't see are parting happening for a good while said Elas. His word's comforted the two young men, if only for that moment. Now I just need to get one more thing and we'll be off said Elas. Without another word the Elf strolled off down the street, Leo and Jack watching him go. Well the one good thing that comes from all this is we'll be seen as heroes said Jack cheerfully. Do you really believe that asked Leo doubtfully? Nope, we'll end up being what they call unsung heroes for sure said Jack, his shoulder now slumped in dejection.

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