Come back

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Ragnar pov

I sat in my and jades house thinking how's It's been five years since I left the team and I gotta say I miss it but at the same time I know if I go back Jade will kill me mostly because of our son Mason he's five now but I've kept in contact with the team Artemis wall me and Jade all have a get together every once in a while while Megan visit's regular Conner call regularly and dick he try's but he has a lot on his shoulders after Kaldur left the team

Jade: what on your mind

Ragnar: nothing

Jade: babe you miss it don't you

Ragnar: ya but I don't want to go back and get killed

Jade: I understand but you still see the team and I know your fortune is enough so we don't have to work but still you have to find a hobby

Ragnar: I know I think about it later I gotta go get Mason

I walk out to the car and  getting in and driving off as I hear my phone ring I look and see it's dick so I answered

Ragnar: dick hey

Dick: hey Ragnar how's life

Ragnar: y'know life

Dick: ya I bet hey got a question

Ragnar: shoot

Dick: do you think you can come back to the team I mean I know you got a girlfriend and have a kid but still I miss you

Ragnar: let me talk to Jade and see

Dick:  ok cool let me know the answer

Ragnar: I will bye

Dick: bye

I hang up and pull up to Mason school so I park and get out and walk to the pick up and wait while I hear the other parents talk about me

???: oh my god he's so handsome and he's young too

???: but he's got a girlfriend

I ignore them and see Mason run to me so I kneel down and hold my arms out for a hug

Mason: daddy

I pick him up as He hugs me

Ragnar: how was school

Mason; it was good

Ragnar: homework

Mason: no

I put him in the car as he continues to talk about his day I get in and drive home

Mason: daddy

Ragnar; ya bud

Mason: when is auntie Megan coming over next

Ragnar: today or tomorrow I believe why

Mason: I have something for her

Ragnar: oh really

Mason: ya I made her a picture during art class

Ragnar: that's nice of you bud

We pull up to the house a modest home in the outskirts of happy harbor I get Mason out and walk in to see dick standing there talking to Jade

Mason: uncle dicky

Dick: hey bud 

Jade: Mason can you go upstairs please

Mason: ok

he runs upstairs

Ragnar: I assume you have bad news

Dick: a few nights agotwo of my team members fought against an alien named lobo as he took a smaller alien out of a fake secretary general sang and the. Last night different teams went to take down a few different outposts of the small aliens the Kroatoins

Ranger: do you have a point to make

Dick: we need you back Ragnar with wall kaldur Wally and Artemis gone I need someone as. Commanding as you

Ragnar: you said the Kroatoins where here

Dick: ya

Jade: tell him

Dick: tell me what

Ragnar: about a thousand years ago I was selected as a protector of the universe

Dick: so like a green lantern

Ragnar: kind of the green lantern are of police I'm like the military but we are both lead by the guardians so if the little fish are here bigger fish are coming

Dick: dose that mean your coming back

Ragnar: yes I'll be there tomorrow morning

Dick: thanks Ragnar

Dick leaves as jade looks at me

Ragnar: I know your not happy

Jade: I am but they need you dick need you Kaldur went evil and Wally retired with Artemis he only had Megan and Conner

Ragnar: i know

Jade: go tell Mason

I hug her and walk upstairs to masons room

Ragnar: Mason

Mason: yes

Ragnar: I got to tell you something

Mason: ok

Ragnar: you remember the stories I told you of my past

Mason: ya that how you met uncle dick uncle Conner uncle Wally aunt Artemis and aunt Megan

Ragnar: well I have to go help dick Megan and Conner once again

Mason: for how long

Ragnar; I don't know but I'll be back a night

Mason: be safe

Ragnar: I will

I hug him and walk downstairs to see Jade holding my old hero costume

Jade: your to big for this now

Ragnar: I know

Jade: I can make you a new one

Ragnar: no I'm gonna take parts from that and other thing to make a new one

Jade: I'll help

Ragnar: ok

//////////////in the morning\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

I got up around 7 AM and got ready I kissed jades her and walked into masons room and kisses his head. I double checked if I had everything and grabbing my motorcycle keys and walked out

Ragnar: this is my life for the foreseeable future

I got on my bike and drove to the cave pulling in to see dick Conner and Megan standing there

Ragnar: this the welcoming party

Dick: ya so

Ragnar: damn I missed you guys where's the rest of the team

Megan: they'll be here shortly

Ragnar: ok

I sit down and think wow it feels weird being back

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