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Ragnars pov

I was training with superboy when Batman walked in and pulled up the news

Batman: reports from all over the world say that these plant creatures are attacking ever major city

Artemis: do you think it could be cobra venom

Batman: it's possible green lantern is testing it now

Robin pulls up his holo bracelet

Robin: definitely cobra venom

The screens go to static

KF: dude

Robin: not me

Joker appears on screen

Joker: Ladies and Gentlemen we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this important announcement from the Injustice League, ha-ha-ha.

Vertigo: We are responsible for the attack on your cities.If you wish to save them, a ransom of 10-billion American dollars is required.
Delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit, but the longer your governments wait

Joker: The more we get to have our jollies

Batman: the ransom will be a fall back

Robin: Count Vertigo, the Joker, Poison Ivy, Ultra-Humanite Atomic Skull, Black Adam, Wotan. Seven heavy hitters.

Ragnar; most likely behind everything we've gone threw

KF: there's our secret society

Robin: not so secret anymore

Ragnar: after India the probably thought that can't hide forever

KF: right now I say we go kick plant created butt

Batman: the league will handle the plants

Kf: aww ow

He says after Artemis elbows him

Artemis: if the big guns are fighting plants what are we going to do

Zatara; you relies what your asking them to do

Batman: I believe in them

Zatara: I believe you

Batman; get ready to go

We start walking away

Batman: Ragnar you'll be handling one in Pittsburgh

Ragnar; but the team

Batman: they'll be fine

Ragnar: fine

I walk to Aqualad who stopped to wait

Aqualad; are you ready

Ragnar: I'm not coming with

Aqualad: why not

Ragnar: I'm heading g to Pittsburgh

Aqualad: be safe my friend

I grab the helmet of fate

Ragnar: plan b

Aqualad: plan b

I walk to the zeta tube walk threw and fly to the plant

Ragnar: I hope Batman's right

Green lantern: they'll be fine kid

Ragnar: John I'm older then you

GL: so

Ragnar: Let's get this done

I fly towards the plant cutting off a few limbs while GL did crowd control. The plant hits a building making rubble fall towards GL

Ragnar: John watch out

He turns and stops it with his ring

GL: I'm fine now let's finish the thing

We fly towards the plant I cut a few limbs while GL put it in a orb as it stops moving

Batman: all available member head to the team location

I fly to the team I get there just in time to even the odds

Vertigo: 7 on 1

Ragnar: I like those odds

I run at him punching him in the head then throwing him at poison ivy

Ragnar:  2 down 5 to go

I get punched by ultra humanite I shake it off and we start trading punches when wuton shocks me and the team with lightning

Ragnar: Aqualad plan b

Aqualad: miss Martian it's time

MM brings the bio ship right over them and drops the helmet aqualad catches it and put it on

Fate: enough

Wuton: dr date the great wuton has waited for your return

The trade spells as me and the team finishes the rest. After a while wuton gets chained up and the league arrives

Superman: good job

Batman: the league will take it from here

Me and the team walks to the bio ship. I stop for a minute

Ragnar: Bruce I'm not a leaguer don't treat me like one I don't want the publicity

Batman: your still won't join us

Ragnar: not after I lost her

I walk to the bio ship and we take off

Wally: what was that about

Ragnar: I'm 13,000 years old I've been around and I've had a fair amount of kids only one had powers

Megan: what was her name

Ragnar: her name was rayla and she was a member of the justice league until she died

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