Chapter 1 A History Class To Remember

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Chapter 1

A History Class To Remember

"I've heard this all before..." Matt thought to himself as the seminar continued. His class was going over the optional mid-term for the Planetary & Social History class. He knew about the Three Almighty Barons already; most of the class did. The Celestial Civil War, the creation of the New Laws, and the Districts that employed Sentinels to police and enforce those laws made up the complex world of Gia. Matthew Vermillion, however, was indifferent to the world he lived in, his ambition nonexistent and waning even during something as ordinary as his Planetary History Class. Yet this was his story to tell, and he was going to say to it whether he wanted to or not.

Our planet, Gia, held the Chimeras, Leviathans, Phoenixes, Woleers, and the strange hybrid shapeshifters that have existed since the Original Barons were alive. But, of course, it was still boring me to death because it was the same material we went over our entire lives. When we were six, it was interesting, but now that I'm seventeen, repetition hasn't made any of the stories more interesting.

Well, to me, because apparently, everyone else in class seems to be really into Miss Tan's little lecture.

"Does anyone here know what happened when the Native Lunars took their first step in their rebellion?" Asked Miss Tan, our teacher. Lunars are what we call the inhabitants of our moon. Our planet has two orbiting moons, one made of water and the other of rock. During the war, the First Baron ended the conflict by splitting the water from Luna, our moon, and creating one moon of water and one of rock. Making the former celestial body uninhabitable for the species we were at war with. Theanna was the name of the First Baron. She had adept control over the Algorithm that dictated everything in our world, but she never had complete control over matter itself. The history books tell us that she reached true enlightenment and disappeared a few years after the hostilities of the war ended. The same goes for all the Barons.

Rachel raises her hand and begins to speak and recite the same information we had heard a few years ago, as if this was her only moment to shine.

"Well, when the Three Barons learned about all the Native Moon creatures, I mean inhabitants, they tried setting up a diplomatic system where The Second Baron would use his teleporting ability to transport goods back and forth," Rachel answered.

"Not bad, Rachel; I'm glad you called them inhabitants, not creatures. But honestly, we are all creatures. In the end, I'm glad you showed them respect." Exclaimed our teacher, Diana Tan, with a motherly smile. "But was the Second Baron the only one that Transported goods back and forth? It seems kind of crazy for one man to be the postal service for two orbiting bodies, right?" Tans smiled, and so did all of us. She's right; he wasn't the only one that teleported resources.

This is when Luke, the guy who sits wherever he wants as long as it's away from everyone else, like me, adds his two cents to the conversation.

"No, Baron Two... The Teleporting Man created shifting." Luke said in his confident and nonchalant way.

"And what exactly is Shifting?" Asked Miss Tan.

"Well, it's when you use two Alchemy circles or two objects or two of pretty much anything that can set up an instantaneous bridge between two points. Then, you lock those points together using your energy or a type of energy. Then you have a solid Algorithmic Formula to keep the link stable, and presto, you have two hubs that link to each other. It's the formula for our metro system, which is now instantaneous." Finished Luke Jadam.

"Perfect Luke, Baron Number Two or Aiden Qwahdah, is his birth name, is the creator of the Shifting system in the world. You can all thank him for the Shifting Ports that transport people from District to District and Continent to Continent." She said with an unmistakable sense of admiration in her voice and had a soft spot for old Baron Number Two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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