The Trial

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Alastor Moody and the other two Aurors interviewed Sirius for the next several hours. They recorded everything Sirius had to say, just in case.

Sirius' old mentor grew more and more furious as the night had waned on. Seeing that brought many feelings to the man's heart. Moody was one of the few father figures he'd had over the years. The fire in the man's one good eye was enough for Sirius to know there was about to be an upheaval in the ministry.

The younger Auror who had been glaring at Sirius never showed up again. Though apparently he'd been stunned and sent away after starting something. The kid lost his whole family to death eaters and was not convinced of Sirius's testimony.

He wasn't surprised, there would be many people like that.

At some point he'd received a meal, a proper one. Nothing like the slop he'd been eating for the last five years. He also received a Wide-Eye potion from Moody, no doubt being one of the positions he made himself and always kept on his person.

It was about 5 in the morning when the summons came. True to his word Moody escorted him, never leaving his side even as they moved through all the security of the Ministry. Sirius felt much better knowing his old mentor was by his side, he'd almost forgotten what it was like to stand next to someone who had your best interests.

At 7 am he was chained to a large prisoner's chair in the center of Wizengamot's council room, Alastor Moody still by his side. Apparently a red card, the Family Decree as Rosie called it, had materialized before each member of the council and several others, prompting this early court session.

Sirius recognized many members sitting around him, people from both sides of the war. He had to force himself to stamp down his emotions at the sight of Lucius Malfoy, he'll take care of that man later. For now he needed to earn his freedom.

He was quickly given a large dose of Veritaserum, then promptly grilled by various members of Wizengamot. The man could feel the exhaustion starting to take a toll on him as the hours ticked past.

Somehow the council was still debating whether or not he was in fact innocent. Lucious Malfoy continued to promote claims against him bringing the council to be split almost down the middle on his case.

All Sirius could do was watch as these people debated his fate. He'd assumed that upon hearing his testimony they'd see the truth, that they'd make things right. Apparently Sirius had forgotten the bureaucracy and political games that ruled the courts of the Wizarding world.

Slowly the hope Sirius had embraced began to fade. There was no way these people were going to let him free. He could see it, they were going to postpone the trial indefinitely claiming 'lack of evidence'. As if his testimony wasn't enough!

"Alas, we can not confirm the words or Mr. Black." Lucius Malfoy continued, his silky posh voice echoing through the surrounding room. "And for him to accuse a Hero such as Peter Pettigrew is all too predictable. To blame all his sins on a dead man we can not interview is far too well crafted of a scheme."

"Then how do you explain the Family Decree, Lord Malfoy?" Another council member Siris didn't know spoke up.

The head of the Malfoy clan shrugged.

"It's unlikely the head of house knew how to properly cast such an old magic. James Potter was always more interested in childish pranks to properly study such difficult spells. "

Alastor Moody held Sirius down in his seat by his shoulder, knowing the man would last out at such comments.

Sirius bit his tongue, he tasted the sick iron as he did so. He knew Lucius was baiting him. Moody's constant presence was the only thing keeping him from losing it.

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