Chapter 10

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"I worked for Wen Industries as a graphic designer for two years. I worked hard and often missed lunches or break times, so focused on my work that I hardly noticed. I never considered it special when Wen Xu sometimes showed up for lunch or coffee. I saw it as he was the CEO's son and only cared for his employees.

He would take the time to see my work and sometimes stay and talk with me for a while. My coworkers told me to stay away from him and that he was trouble, but I never saw it that way. I told myself he was friendly and just looking out for the company.

Then came the occasional drinks after work. Wen Xu, as always, was a gentleman and had never tried anything. I liked him like a friend, never anything more than that. Then came the day the Wens hired a new employee into the company. I became slightly interested in him, but before we got to know each other better, suddenly, he was gone. I asked Wen Xu about it, and he claimed not to know of him. But his eyes said something different; I knew he was hiding something, something terrible. I began to be wary of him and knew something was wrong.

I began to pay more attention to Wen Xu as he began to pay more attention to me. I became nervous and scared around him, and I know he noticed. I also noticed that he never paid attention to anyone else but me. I tried never to be alone with him, and I stopped going for drinks unless others were with us. I had heard many rumors about him but didn't believe them until now. 

He became more aggressive towards me. He was always trying to corner me alone, to kiss me, or to press his body against mine. I tried many times to clarify that I didn't like him that way. He became angry and said I owed him. That I was the one who seduced him first and that I must take responsibility for that. I tried to think, did I seduce him? I didn't believe so. My head was a mess, and I became frightened of him. I realized Wen Xu wanted to possess me, not in a good way.

Then A-Yuan came into my life, and he became my priority. I no longer stayed late at work and sometimes did not go in because I wanted to be with him all I could. He became my life and happiness. My coworkers tried to protect me, yet they didn't want to anger Wen Xu. So I was all alone in this cat-and-mouse game. 

Wen Xu threatened me that he would make my life very unpleasant if I didn't give in to him. So, I began looking for other job opportunities, hopefully away from China. The Wen's were mighty and had their hands in many businesses across China. I knew I  had to leave China somehow. But until something became available, I still had to work. I didn't want to involve my family in my mess. I felt everything happening to me was all my fault, so I told them nothing. I became scared to come to work, so I would go in late in the evening to hopefully avoid Wen Xu. It was on such a night that it got out of control."

Wei Ying begins to shiver, remembering that night, and all Lan Zhan can do is hold him tighter and whisper words of encouragement. He makes Wei Ying drink some tea and tries to help him regroup. He is thrilled that Wei Ying does not love Wen Xu but is also angry that he was not there to protect him. Such will not be the case should Wen Xu find him here with him. Wen Xu will surely die by his hand.

After a time, Wei Ying begins again.

"It was very late, and I came to pick up some work for home when suddenly I was slammed against my car.

 "So you finally decided to show up, did you? I was always nice to you and showed you favors above all others, yet you scorned me. Who do you think you are? I  chose you above all others; I would have been different with you. I  would have treated you better than the others, Yet you have made me lose face, and now I will treat you worse. You will give your body to me and become my newest toy. If not, I will see that you will never see your son again. Trust me, you don't want that to happen."

I became numb with fear, and the bile in my throat threatened to choke me. How can I break free from this madness? Only the housekeeper knows I am here. Wen Xu began to tear at my clothes while trying to kiss me. Suddenly, when Wen Xu bit my lips, I finally woke up from my stupor. I began to fight him with everything I had for myself and my son. He slammed me even harder against my car, taking my breath away. He used that opportunity to try and strip away my clothes."

Lan Zhan's eyes are closed, and he's trying to breathe. That Wei Ying had to suffer such a thing is beyond him. His hands are clutching into fists. Death will not come quickly to Wen Xu. Sensing Lan Zhan's anger, Wei Ying tries to pull away, but Lan Zhan reassures him he is not angry at Wei Ying. Once he calms down, Wei Ying continues.

"Out of nowhere, my brother Jiang Cheng is pulling Wen Xu off of me. I still don't understand how he arrived there at that place and at that time, but I will forever be grateful. He yelled at me to run away; I stood there, frozen, still in shock at what was happening. My brother yelled again,  "Please, for once in your life, listen to me and run. So, like a coward,  I ran, praying my brother would be alright."

"On the way home, I bought two burner phones—one for me and one for my nanny. I took my SIM card from my phone and tossed it in the nearest trash. I knew now that I had to disappear to be safe.

Upon reaching home, I explained to my nanny that I was leaving suddenly and wanted her to return to her hometown until I could send for her again. I gave her one of the burner phones and told her only to use it under extreme circumstances. I held her hand and told her not to tell anyone of my leaving, especially my family. I felt so dirty that my only thought was to run away.

My nanny, Mrs. Xie, said quietly, "It's him. Wen Xu, He's the reason you're leaving in fear."

I chuckled sadly, "I should have known that nothing gets past you. I need to keep all of us safe. Please forgive me."

She squeezed my hands and said, "There was nothing to forgive."

" I killed her, Lan Zhan; how can I forgive myself? She died  because of me." Lan Zhan doesn't know how to respond; he can only hold Wei Ying close to his heart while listening to his quiet sobs. How he wishes he could take all this away. He has heard nothing to change his mind about loving Wei Ying; he swears he will protect him from that evil.

Afraid to look at Lan Zhan, he continues, "So when your Uncle offered me the position, I jumped at it. It meant leaving China and everything I knew, but I had to keep us safe. I'm sorry I used you; I'm sorry I lied to all of you, especially you, Lan Zhan. I will understand if you want nothing further to do with me. I will understand if you can't forgive me."

Wei Ying feels drained; he needs to be with his son. He stands to leave, and Lan Zhan rises with him. 

"I told you once before, let me slay your dragons. You need not fight this alone. I can't pretend to understand everything, but I will stay by your side if you let me."

 Wei Ying is stunned. He didn't expect that. He looks deep into the honey-colored eyes he has come to love and sees only honesty and love there. Wei Ying thinks to himself, maybe, just maybe, he has found someone who will love and protect him. He hopes so; he feels safest in Lan Zhan's arms and never wants to leave his embrace.

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