Chapter 4

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The following day, Wei Ying wakes up with a headache from all his crying the night before. A-Yuan was still sleeping, so he decided to kiss his baby awake. Within minutes, both giggled, and Wei Ying felt better. His child is his sunshine, and he wouldn't have it any other way. His cheeks reddened when he remembered how he cried on Lan Zhan's broad shoulders. How gentle he was with him. He felt safe and comfortable in his arms. Lan Zhan demanded nothing of him. He only comforted him, and that means something to him. It was enough to cause a stirring and wonder in his heart.

He looks around and says, "Baby, who put you to bed?"  The toddler shrugs his shoulders. Then he thinks, "Who put me to bed?" Oh my God, did he carry  me to bed too?" Now, his cheeks are not the only thing red. "How embarrassing; I hope he doesn't say anything about it."

He exits the bed to cool his face when he spies a note on his nightstand. He opens it slowly with shaking hands.  

"Good morning or good afternoon, whichever the case may be. I hope you are feeling better today." writes Lan Zhan.

Can my face get any redder? " thinks Wei Ying; he doubts it. "The garden is at your disposal; I have already instructed the staff that you and A-Yuan are welcome. No one will disturb you there. The mansion is also accessible for you to wander around if you wish. If you want to leave, call me. I am also at your disposal. Otherwise, I will see you at dinner. Here is my phone number should you need anything. Lan Zhan."

Wei Ying's heart flutters in his chest like hundreds of tiny butterflies. It has been too long since someone has treated him so nicely. But he mustn't get carried away by this gentle man he once viewed as an iceberg. He was so wrong in his assessment of him. He prays his secret is never revealed and that Lan Zhan comes to hate him and asks him to leave. He already feels he can't bear it if that ever happens.

So, wiping his tears away, he puts a brave face on for his son and begins the day. He is putting his fears behind him for now; he must. He must make himself stronger somehow. He must not give in to his anxiety.

Before leaving for the garden, Wei Ying grabbed two phones and placed them in his pocket. He has made it a habit to keep both phones with him. A burner phone and the phone given to him by Lan Qiren. He prays the burner phone never rings to tell him he has been found or worse.

The day was pleasant enough after brunch in the garden, which A-Yuan deemed his favorite place. They played and fed all the bunnies in the garden. Then A-Yuan declared the fish in the pond could not be left out. So after Wei Ying got food from the housekeeper, A-Yuan began feeding the fish and naming them. Wei Ying listened to his son in his cute baby voice, talking to all the animals and feeling proud of himself for caring for them.

He almost fell into the pond while trying to pet the fish as he would the bunnies. Wei Ying was fast and averted a very wet baby, who also proceeded to get his Baba wet. Wei Ying decided it was time to come in and change and clean up and hopefully put his toddler down for a nap. He needed a break.

Wei Ying felt a phone vibrate in his pocket, and he was scared to see which one it could be. Neither phone had rung once since he'd been here. His heart stopped when he saw it was Lan Zhan. 


"Hello, Mr. Wei, I'm just checking on you. Is everything fine?"

Wei Ying, with relief, smiles softly, "If you count a toddler almost falling in your pond fine, then everything is fine."

Lan Zhan chuckles, "I trust everyone is alright? By the way, Uncle informed me your nanny would not arrive for another month, so I will have my home office changed to accommodate you, and it's large enough for a play area for A-Yuan as well."

"Lan Zhan, I don't want to put you out and interfere with you while you're in your own home," gasped Wei Ying.

"It's just a small matter; do not worry about it." Says Lan Zhan.

"I don't know how to thank you, that certainly takes a load off my shoulders." 

"Gotcha," thinks Lan Zhan

Lan Zhan, grinning ear to ear on the phone, says, "You can thank me by having dinner with me tonight." He then holds his breath, waiting for his answer. Will he say no?

Wei Ying is blushing hard. Part of him wants to say no, but a more significant part wants to scream "Yes!!"

So as not to offend Lan Zhan, he agrees to dinner but makes it clear that A-Yuan will be with him.

"There, that should be a safe answer," Thinks Wei Ying.

Internally, Lan Zhan chuckles; he knows what Wei Changze is doing. So, to Wei Ying's surprise, Lan Zhan readily agrees. With dinner agreed upon, Lan Zhan hangs up and calls Jonathan, the head of his security team. 

Wei Changze's behavior makes him suspect he's running away. Maybe an ex-lover, no, that's too simple. He also finds it suspicious that someone would travel so far just for a change in job location. Perhaps someone has tried to harm him, his son, or both. If that turns out to be the case, someone will suffer by his hand. He will regret bringing fear to Wei Changze.

He instructs Jonathan to monitor all e-mails and phone calls to Wei Changze, strengthen security measures around the mansion, and let no one enter the estate unless he approves it himself.

His priority is the safety of his house guests, and he will leave no stone unturned to find out the secret  Wei Chagze is hiding.

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