Chapter 8

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While A-Yuan is playing with the bunnies close to Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan is on the phone with Jonathan. He explains about the call Wei Changze received and the death of his nanny.

"Time is no longer a luxury we can afford. I need answers yesterday. Put our best people in China on alert. Don't overlook anything. I want answers within twenty hours. Also, I want security around the nanny's family. Keep them safe."

"Okay, Boss, I will have answers by tomorrow. I will also increase security around the mansion, just in case."


After making sure A-Yuan was fine, Lan Zhan went back to his phone and, through some contacts, found out more about Wen Xu's desires and tastes and how his father kept him protected. They both were despicable people who only cared about themselves.

If he is the reason for Wei Changze's tears, Lan Zhan will bring death to Wen Xu, and he will pay for every tear Wei Changze has shed. 

Finally, Wei Ying appears in the garden with a genuine smile as he watches Lan Zhan and A-Yuan play with the bunnies. He sighs heavily. "If only."

He puts the thought far inside himself and reaches for his son. After hugging him tightly, a calmness settles over him. A-Yuan giggles and kisses his Baba.

Wei Ying laughs and says, "Someone needs to teach you how to kiss properly, baby."

Lan Zhan smirked at the two and said, "I will gladly teach A-Yuan how to kiss his Baba properly."

Wei Ying's  cheeks are beet red, and he smacks Lan Zhan's shoulder, "You will do no such thing, Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan laughs, "Okay, but the offer is open if you change your mind."

While smiling internally, Wei Ying huffs and sits on the ground with his son. Lan Zhan then calls the staff to bring food and drinks to them in the garden.

After eating, A-Yuan falls asleep in Wei Ying's arms. Unwilling to break the peaceful moment, Lan Zhan knows he has no choice.  

"Wei Changze, I have placed a security team around your nanny's family to keep them safe until we catch the culprit. I would feel more comfortable if you and A-Yuan slept in my room. I want to able to see you and know you are safe." He fully expected to balk at the suggestion and fight him about it. Imagine his surprise with Wei Changze's answer.

"Whatever you say, Lan Zhan. Honestly, I would feel safer staying with you as well."  He thought to himself,  I should have protected her better. I thought if she knew nothing, she would be safe. I see how wrong I was. It's my fault she was killed. Wen Xu,  why did you have to kill her? She had nothing to do with you.

Watching the emotions crossing Wei Chanze's face, Lan Zhan takes him in his arms. "This is a promise: I will keep you both safe. Do not take the blame for someone else's deeds. I know it's easier said than done. That person or persons committed an evil knowingly, yet did it anyway."

Listening to Lan Zhan's words, Wei Ying takes some comfort in them, but not enough to erase his guilt. He understands why he has given his heart to Lan Zhan; he is a good man, and now he knows there is no turning back for him.

He whispers to Lan Zhan, "Make them pay Lan Zhan."

"I swear to you, it will be done. Someone will be held accountable for her death. This is my vow." whispers Lan Zhan.

The following day, Lan Zhan decided not to go to the office. It felt wrong, somehow leaving them alone. He certainly didn't want to leave Wei Chanze alone with his thoughts and have him feel more responsible.

So, at breakfast, he announced he was taking them to the local zoo. A-Yuan is more than excited. He jumps up and down, asking, "Do they have polar bears and sharks?" as these are his favorite animals.

Having never been to the zoo since childhood, Lan Zhan didn't honestly know. "We will certainly look for them if you wish."

A-Yuan then climbs onto Lan Zhan's lap and hugs him, his whole face alight in a huge smile. Wei Ying also gives Lan Zhan a blinding smile. While smiling hugely inside, Lan Zhan thinks, "What more can a man ask for?"

While Wei Ying takes the toddler upstairs to get ready, Lan Zhan receives a call from Jonathan. The spy in China paid off with information regarding Wei Changze. Never did Lan Zhan guess the answers to his question would be what he was told.

First, Wei Changze is Wei Wuxian, better known as Wei Ying. His father, who passed, was Wei Changze. The Jiang patriarch was Wei Changze's best friend. So when he passed, Jiang Fengmian raised Wei Ying from a very young age. He had helped him get a job at the Wen Corporation, where Wei Wuxian worked as a graphic designer until a short time ago. According to a very drunk and remorseful step-brother, he had stopped Wen Xu from raping his step-brother Wei Wuxian in the parking garage of Wen Industries. The next day, Wei Wuxian had disappeared, never to be seen or heard of since. Jiang Cheng, the step-brother, has been searching for Wei Ying with no luck.

Second, Wen Xu threatened harm and even death to Wei Wuxian's child if he did not comply with his wishes. Once he was set free by his brother, Wei Wuxian escaped Wen Xu's clutches, causing Wen Xu to search all over China for him.

Third, Jonathan believes that Wen Xu will do whatever it takes to locate him and bring him back to China to destroy Wei Ying for making him lose face, especially in his father's eyes. Wen Xu is extremely dangerous right now.

Lan Zhan's initial instinct is to be angry at being lied to, but then he recalls the fragile and frightened person when they first met. He will give Wei Ying a chance to explain himself and tell him the truth fully, and then he will kill Wen Xu for trying to hurt what he now considers his little family. He crushes his phone in his hand while thinking about how he will slowly kill Wen Xu.

As Wei Ying comes down the stairs, he sees anger across Lan Zhan's beautiful face. He stops, unwilling to go any further. Unsure of what has angered him, he stays frozen on the steps while A-Yuan breaks free from Wei Ying and runs to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan changes his facial expression in a blink of an eye and appears normal again. 

"Is everyone ready?" smiles Lan Zhan. Wei Ying, still frozen on the stairs, says nothing. Lan Zhan walks over while carrying A-Yuan in his arms.

"Wei Changze, is something wrong? Did you change your mind?"

"What? No- I-I mean, are you sure you want to go?"

"Yes, let's go. We all need a distraction right now."

Lan Zhan said, "I will drive; the security team will follow."

Wei Ying says, "But Lan Zhan, A-Yuan needs a car seat to be safe."

"Look in the backseat; a car seat is there; it should fill your requirements."

While stunned, Wei Ying secures A-Yuan and climbs into the car beside Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan looks at Wei Ying and tries to hide all the emotions going through his head and heart. "Ready?"

Wei Ying looks back at his baby, who gives him the thumbs up. "Ready."

So, the three depart for a day at the zoo. Only A-Yuan is completely happy. The adults appear glad, but too many emotions and thoughts swirl around them to focus entirely. Hopefully, the day can take some of the pain away.

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