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Sitting on the airplane, watching the only world he has ever known fade away, he quietly sobs while holding his sleeping toddler in his arms. He's doing what he must to protect himself and his son. He's flying towards the unknown and uncertain future. He must stay hidden at all costs. 

Because of this, he is flying out of China using a name known only to himself and the head of the Jiang family. Wei Changze, his father's name. All he knows is he has to survive for his sake and his baby's.

Wei Ying whispers, Protect us, Father, watch over us.

Chapter 1

So, hopefully, so as not to confuse you, Wei Ying will be known to the Lans as Wei Changze, his father's name. So when Wei Ying has personal thoughts or speaks with his son, he will be Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan, never a hurried man, is hurrying now. He's gathering his things and leaving for home before his brother catches him—yet again. All he wants is to go home, get into his favorite bunny pajamas, relax with his favorite cup of tea, and read his book. Is that really too much to ask?

With his belongings in his arms, he opens the door to his office only to be met with his brother and Uncle Qiren. 

"Where are you going, Didi?" smirks Lan Xichen.

Shocked but determined, he tries to stand his ground. "There is an emergency; I must leave for home at once, says Lan Zhan bravely.

Lan Qiren raises an eyebrow, "Really, and what is the nature of this so-called emergency, Wangji?".

Lan Zhan pales, what to say? His mind is drawing a blank.  He finally blurts out,  "The bunnies called. They need me home as soon as possible, which means now!! Please, both of you, step aside and let me pass."

He doesn't want to get physical, but he will; his anxiety level is rising the longer he is standing here. He feels his anxiety getting to critical levels. 

Trying not to laugh at his Didi, and with sympathy in his eyes, he speaks softly, "Didi, did you forget that tonight is the company dinner we are hosting for our employees? We're doing this to keep their morale up."

"Their morale, what about mine? It's currently hitting rock bottom." Lan Zhan is thinking in his mind.

Lan Qiren is watching all Lan Zhan's emotions playing across his face. He understands his nephew but will not give in to his distress, which he feels is his own doing. He has to stop being so lenient with him and give in when he becomes uncomfortable.

He coughs to get Lan Zhan's attention: "Wangji, along with the dinner, we also welcome a new graphic art designer from China. He will work for us once he has settled in.

In disbelief, Lan Zhan stares at his Uncle, "What has any of this to do with me?"

Lan Xichen gets his brother's attention, "Didi,  again, he is coming from China with his young son. It was a hurried affair.  We offered him our home to stay in until he could find a suitable place".

"H-Home, li-like our h-home?" stutters Lan Zhan.

"Yes, Wangji, he's arriving tonight, so he needs time to both adjust and look for a home, gruffs Uncle Qiren.

On the verge of passing out from both anxiety and anger, Lan Zhan is steered by his brother to the nearest couch. Lan Xichen removes his belongings from his brother's shaking hands. He hands him a cup of water, which he gulps down immediately.

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