She can't breathe.

“Look at me!” Cas’ voice is unusually loud, unable to hide the panic he feels. His breathing is heavy, his hands are trembling and the girl’s blood slowly seeping into his jacket. It clings to Coriolanus’ hands as well, their effort in vain. “Arachne, look at me! You’re gonna be okay!”

He knows she won’t be. But even with the light within her eyes slowly fading, he sees nothing but fear in Arachne’s gaze. Like she knows this is it. She knows she’s going to die. They all know it. But at the brink of death, even the usually loud and boisterous Arachne is only a scared little girl.

Her grip on Coriolanus’ shirt loosens, her hand slowly dropping and the blond grips it tightly, refusing to let go. “Medic!” he cries out again. All he sees is people fleeing the scene, people being too scared to move. “Come on, please! Someone help!”

Cas shakes his head, hastily wiping the tears away that are streaming down Arachne’s cheeks with his thumb. She’s trying to say something but all that comes out are gurgling sounds. More blood. “You’re gonna be okay!” He tries to reassure her. “Eyes on me, okay? Focus on me!”

Tears begin to brim in his own eyes as well but he blinks them away. He hates Arachne, even their last interaction was just him throwing jabs at her, but that doesn’t mean he wants her to die. He knows he can’t save her, so he tries to at least offer her some comfort in her final moments. Festus is there, too, crouching down and trying to see if there’s anything he can do to help.

He can’t.


Junia doesn’t know what triggers it, but the second Treech’s voice rings through to her, it’s like the air is pushed back to her lungs at once. He’s reaching through the bars and she notices he must’ve stood up while she wasn’t looking at him, his hand gripping her arm as if he’s trying to pull her up. The food is at his feet but that’s the last thing on his mind right now, even less that he's getting her jacket all dirty. When she follows his gaze, she knows why.

The Peacekeepers are approaching, yes, but none seem to be focused on Arachne. They’re reaching for their rifles, undoubtedly on their way to kill Brandy for what she did. But the girl from District 10 doesn’t budge, taking a bite out of the sandwich almost defiantly, staring straight ahead at the armed men.

She has no regrets. There's not an ounce of fear in her eyes — she knew what this would mean for her the second she reached for the knife.

If she's going to die here, it's giving her some gratification that she can take one of theirs with her.

There’s too many Peacekeepers. Why are there so many if there’s only one tribute they’re going after? Junia can count at least five of them and there are more right behind them.

Junia’s blood runs cold, Treech’s grip tightens. In the end, it’s Sejanus that pulls Junia back up to her feet. She’s almost limp, breathing heavily. She doesn’t even realize it but she’s crying.

“June, hey! Breathe!” Sejanus’ voice is panicked, his grip firm but not too tight. He exchanges a glance with Treech, Lamina is pulling at her district partner’s arm, too.

“Wait, don’t shoot!” Sejanus and Junia yell at the same time. Her throat is burning. She wonders if his is as well.

"Everybody down!"

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