A Scroll Down Memory Lane: Niño

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Alice answered the unknown number on her phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, Alice. How are you?" The voice on the other end answered.

"I'm doing good, who are you?" Alice had a puzzled look on her face, trying to figure out who the person was at the other end of the line.

"Oh, sorry, I'm one of the students who attended the same high school as you." The voice still doesn't sound familiar to Alice.

"Okay? But which one are you?" Alice was getting annoyed, she knew that she'd get scammed by this person. She needs to change her phone number after this phone call.

"It's me, Niño. Remember?"

"Niño? I don't remember a high school classmate named Niño," Alice placed her free arm on her waist, trying to figure out who this person is and she's getting irritated the more this person talks.

"That's because I was a year older than you in high school. I'm Kisha's cousin, she gave me your phone number. I'm Niño Ledesma."

The shock on Alice's face when she heard the last name. Of course, she knew who this person was, he was her high school crush, well, one of the few. She remembered how heartbroken she was when he graduated, and she was at the end of her third year of high school, she didn't attend his class' graduation because her aunt sent her and her sisters to the city for the summer while her aunt was working on her visa to move to Hong Kong for work to support Alice.

Alice remembered how devastated she was when they had to leave for his graduation, she wanted to confess her feelings in the most romantic way she could think of, and she was a huge fan of writing a love letter as phones were hard to get by during her time.

"Niño...Oh yes, I remember you. How could I forget?" Alice broke a sweat and a nervous laugh, and Niño could hear it on his end of the line. Alice's memory of high school was still fresh as it was just two years ago when she graduated and the details of each year still haunt her to this day.

"Hey, let's message each other, I gotta go. Kisha invited the whole family for game night. I'll keep in touch." The call ended and Alice stood there, still processing what just happened. She got excited and bit down the collar of her shirt and ran back to where James was waiting for her.

"Who was that?" James asked as he settled the two full bottles of beer on his motorcycle.

Alice smiled and tried to calm herself down before she could answer James.

"Uh, Alice? I need to tell you something..." James took a deep breath and composed himself but before he could open his mouth, Alice cut him off.

"That was Niño! Oh my gosh, can't believe he still remembers me. I thought I was invisible to him in high school. I never really talked to him back then. I knew he was my friend's cousin, but I still never had the chance to confess to him about my feelings," Alice rambled excitedly.

James was disappointed. High school crush? Really, who is this guy? He waited two years to give her a call? This is a very bright red flag for Alice. Niño...his name sounds like a saint but he seemed like the devil for ruining his moment to confess what he feels for Alice.

"I'm sorry, were you about to say something, James?" Alice turned to him, all calmed and collected, but she didn't notice James' jaw clenched with rage.

James looked at her, trying to brush off his temper away, "No, I was just going to say that I bought us another round of beer. Wanna finish it so I can drop you off at home? I'm sure your sisters would be looking for you."

James gulped down the whole bottle of beer that he had in his hand without pausing for a breath. He needed that drink, maybe he'll go find something stronger. A shot of tequila or maybe a bottle of rum will calm his nerves down. James was about to mount himself on his bike when he heard a familiar voice calling for him and Alice.

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