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"Babe!" I cut Jamie off, "It's okay, I'll see you after. Don't worry about me."

So uhm he flew to Philadelphia yesterday early in the morning, practiced with the team that evening, got to know that facilities and now today is his first game as Flyer. The team flew his parents and me out for the game, I'm on my way to meet up with them for lunch.

"I know I just feel bad I can't be there to pick you up," he sighs.

"Jamie, stop thinking about me and go to your meeting. We'll see each other after." I tell him. I'm staying with him in the hotel he's been staying in. I've been trying to help him find a place but it's been hard.

But luckily they have tomorrow off so we'll be able to go explore the city and find him a place to stay, all in one day.

"I'm already on the way to meet up with your parents anyway," I tell him, "Now go and focus! I love you, I'll see you later!"

"I love you," he chuckles before we hang up.

The rest of the ride to lunch I take out my computer and work on my essay for my economics class. Then thirty minutes later I drag my suitcase and tote bag into the restaurant behind me.

"Kendall!" Tina smiles, pushing her chair back to stand up as I walk up to the table.

"Hi!" I smile at her and Gary. Pulling out one of the empty chairs to set my tote down before Tina and I share a hug.

"I've missed you, honey," Tina says as we separate and I move to hug Gary.

"How are ya kid?" Gary asks as we hug.

"Good, tired," I chuckle, "It was an early morning."

I'm pulling off my coat as I talk before finally sitting down.

"We ordered some chips and guacamole for us all to share," Tina says.

"Ooo thank you!" I smile as I pick up the menu to decide.

We pass the first half of lunch by talking about my schooling, how Charlie and the dogs are. Then finally we get to the topic of the trade.

"How have you been handling it?" Tina asks, "It was so sudden."

"I..." I start to answer immediately but I realize I still haven't taken time to think about how this all has been affecting me. I've been too focused on helping Jamie and being there for him to talk to because he's the one actually going through it. Hell even when Trevor called me yesterday about the trade all we talked about was how we could support Jamie and how Trevor felt about the trade.

"I haven't really been focusing on me," I admit to them, "I've been busy trying to find Jamie a place out here. I've been packing up his stuff or at least what he said he wanted immediately."

"Well, how do you feel about the whole thing?" Tina asks, and I can tell she really wants to know and cares. Her and Jamie have the same bright blue eyes, and they both make the same face when they're concerned but trying to hide it.

"Uhm," I take a breath setting my fork down, "It sucks because we only got," I pause feeling my eyes starting to tear up. 

"We only got to enjoy not being long distance for six months. And I know that sounds so silly," I sniffle. I don't wanna cry in front of his parents. I keep talking trying to ignore the tears, "And it doesn't matter. He's getting to do what he loves and stuff like this comes with the job, I knew that from the start," I shrug my shoulders, "So I'm just gonna keep moving forward."

written in the stars // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now