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Today has not gone as planned. I got lost trying to find my car on campus because after my morning classes I had to run to a showroom for a brand that wants me to pick somethings to promote online, which I'm racing to right now.

My classes weren't too bad today, just an English class, and a digital media marketing class but so much work in the future.

"I'm in over my head," I sigh, tucking my hair behind my ear as I come to a stop at a red light. I look at the clock, fuck now I'm ten minutes late.

"And why would you say that?" Mallory asks, the street sounds of New York echo behind her. I love California and the slowness of it, but New York is home. I miss it and I miss Mal.

"My whole English grade is based on three essays, that's it! No other projects or assignments! And one of them has to be a historical research paper!" I groan as the light turns green and the cars in front of me start to roll forward. 

"You'll be fine! You did great in English back in high school! And," I can hear the smile in her voice, "I have a historical research paper I did last year, I'll send it to you. It's about the Women's Rights Movement!"

"This is why you're my best friend," I smile to myself.

"Okay one crisis averted, now why I called. We need to plan a trip, either I come visit you or you come here," Mallory says and I know she means it, once she's decided something she makes it happen, "Ooo can you come out for your birthday and Halloween?"

"I can't, I had the same thought a couple nights ago. The Ducks home opener is the night after, and then that Saturday they're having the team Halloween party. I can't miss those." My birthday is October 28th and the Ducks home opener is the 27th. Jamie would be so mad if I wasn't there. And Dani, Troy Terry's wife, was just texting me about a pregame thing she's gonna host for all the wives and girlfriends. I have to be there.

"What if I come out there? I'll have to check my calendar but maybe I fly out there, we can go to the game and go out for your birthday!"

Oh I'm getting excited! I miss Mal and would give anything to go out with her again.

Then at the same time we both say, "Duo costume!"

We both burst into laughter.

"Okay but what are we gonna do?" I ask. We've done tons of duo costumes together. Our first Halloween as friends we were Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the Cat In The Hat, in high school one time we were Sharpay and Gabriella from High School Musical for a party, and another time we were Thor and Loki, and just last year we were Buzz and Woody.

"Oh my gosh! Wicked!" Mallory says her excitement oozes in her tone as she says, "Finn took me to the show a few weeks ago, it was so good! We can be Glinda and Elphaba! I'll make us dresses!"

"It's perfect," I smile to myself. There's a repetitive beep that makes me look down at the screen of my car, it's Jamie calling. He's already at the arena, if he's calling me now it's gotta be important, I normally never hear from him until I see him at the game.

"Hey, Jamie's calling me. I gotta go, I'll call you back tomorrow?" I say to Mallory.

"All good, I'll get started on sketches and start looking at plane tickets," Mallory's says, "Oh and we need to get pictures so I can have them for my portfolio!"

I chuckle at her, "Oh how I miss you!"

"I miss you, too! Talk soon!" She says as I end the her call and answer Jamie's.

written in the stars // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now