Angrily Cute

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Whenever he sees those puffy cheeks he just can't help himself. He just has to go on ahead and make them puff up further. It was just too hard to resist not to. They were soft, fluffy and squishy. All because he had made a small joke, because he couldn't resist. It was just a small tease, a little joke he decided to indulge in. It was nothing special nor anything out of the ordinary, at least not for Gentaro. Just a small joke. A little bit of teasing never hurts.

It was always amusing, seeing them react, yet this time he took it way too far, or so they wanted him to believe. But had he been sorry? Of course not. The apology from his mouth was nothing but a playful one. Sincerely? Not really. And yet it did not matter, did it? It did not. Of course it did not. A pout, puffy cheeks. Why would he be sorry for any of this? There was no need nor time to feel sorry nor any need.

"Y... Yumeno–Sensei..." He heard them mumble, their voice ever so stuttery. And yet, that was the adorable part in the end. He just couldn't help it.

"What is it, Ann–San~? " He asked, calm yet teasing, as if clueless. And it only got them even poutier than before.

"Y... You know what it is!"

"Do I? If thou art so vague, I cannot possibly know what thou art talking about." He responded, followed up with a light chuckle. Of course, that was nothing but a lie.

"I... I... Guh, just stop poking me already!" They demanded, the cheeks at their puffiest state. Little hamster Ann–San, how fitting.

"Haha, thou should say please, shall thou not?"

"Eh!? But–"

"It is important to be polite, Ann–San~" Gentaro reminded them, his voice a whisper yet most likely echoing in their ears, given how red they turned with each word coming from his mouth. He had no intentions to stop, and his actions had said it all.

This would be a long day for them yet pure amusement for him. Because he was not going to stop anytime soon.

"Thou art cute when thou art angry, Ann–San~"

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