Train Ride To Osaka

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"That platform... Where is that platform?" They mumbled while walking through the train station as a whole. Usually Ann would avoid trains like the plague and yet someone had to pick up Ole. Apparently he had made some interesting discoveries while in Osaka and wished to share them in person, hence why Ann was supposed to show up. Eli could not do it due to his job. So, much to their dismay, they had to go. Besides, classes were not in session for a while so they had enough free time... Or 'free time' rather as they had to balance it out while working on an essay. Oh great, oh joy... Well, nights were still a thing luckily so that had to do.

But that also meant getting up early and travel from the main station in Tokyo, taking the next best train they could catch... This early too so it might be crowded, much to their own dismay... And that thought left a shiver down their spine. They really did not want to think about it, let alone consider it. But it may be a possibility and it made them stop for a moment, sighing. "This trip is going to be a horror..." They thought out loud, mumbling to themself in the end. They're not going to survive this, are they? Especially the train ride there... "But it can't be helped... As for the platform, where—"

Yet before they could finish that and take another step one of their feet had been hit by something. Something which may as well have been thrown right at them. Though it wasn't, given that it had been slithering across the floor for a moment. The sudden footsteps from afar as well as the crowd were mere background noise and Ann had not paid any attention to them, how they screamed and yelled, some even almost fighting over something. Because all they did was look down and pick up what had hit them...

A book? At first they were confused, thinking it fell out of someone's bag and thus they had to return it... Whoever that stranger would turn out to be. And yet when taking a closer look at the title as well as seeing that it had been signed, they were quickly able to tell whose it probably was. In fact, the signature had said it all, more than it had to. They knew that handwriting from anywhere. "Yumeno–Sensei? But that novel is brand—"

Ah right, they remembered. It was about something Ramuda had complained about when they told him that they were going to be out of town for a few days. " Eh!? You too!? No fair! First it's Gentaro to hand out his signed books, then Dice comes with him and now you go too Ann–Chan!? " He had whined the moment he had heard about that. " Guh... I'm going to be lonely and it's your fault! So, once you come back, you will pay it all back! No buts! " It was something but they had to accept it. Plus Ramuda would just need a bit to calm down, he probably understood that this was important after they had mentioned that this was under Ole's request.

So he is here too. Or so they had concluded. Thus they turned around, spotting the... Duo in question? "I do wish that thou wouldn't let thee curse of poverty rub off on me..." Said one of them with a sigh at the end which only led to the other man trying to justify something.

"Ey, if I didn't do anythin', that guy would've gotten away robbing a woman!" Was the justification.

"But did thou really have to shove the suitcases?"

"Gotta think fast in those situations!"

"Hah... Thou art making a fair argument... I will have to find a way to sign the same amount of copies as fast as possible once we arrive."

Yeah, there was no mistaking it when seeing the two from afar – Gentaro and Dice. What a surprise to bump into them. And yet... That meant this signed copy belonged to— May as well return it. Thus they had walked over to the two men as they were having this conversation, then saying when close enough: "Hey there. Is this what you're looking for?"

Both of them had gone silent soon after, then turned around to come face–to–face with the young person who had been holding out the book. Dice grinned pretty much right away, the incident from a few seconds ago having been gone from his mind or something. "Yo Ann! Fancy seein' you here!"

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