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Countless of lies.

We all have secrets we're hiding, secrets that we could never ever share. And you, my dear reader, you have your deepest no—maybe darkest secrets that you hide.

Hiding it feels like a sin, but sharing them could be your misery. So, be careful of sharing them. It's easy to stab people these days. You might never know when will someone do that behind you and probably—infront of you.

Or they already did.

I'm not here to lecture you, it was simply an advice. However, don't take it too much to the heart, because your heart most likely to betray you as well. Instead, bear that in your mind.

Because in this story, you will experience a roller coaster ride my dear reader. Don't worry, you're not alone though. You have people beside you, however, do you trust them? Believe in them?

Or maybe you're just alone.

Betrayal is the biggest weapon for trust and crushing your enemy using it would be the greatest strike. So, don't trust anyone so easily.

Now, shall we start?


Disclaimer: This narrative includes a blend of fictional and real names. The inclusion of real names is coincidental and is not meant to suggest any connection with or endorsement by the individuals associated with those names. All other characters, events, and settings are the result of the author's creative imagination. The author has no intention of representing real-life individuals, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental. This story is a work of fiction, and readers are kindly asked to approach it as such.

(Love)Hate, (You) Us(SeokSoo)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang