Chapter 7

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Kael was the most handsome fae Alyvia had ever laid eyes on.

Though, she really had no comparisons to make as she had never seen another fae before.

Just looking at him reminded her of looking at historical art. The sculptures she knew would only be held in the palace as they were too precious to be displayed elsewhere. Or even the flowers that were never touched, never harmed, in the Garden of Galston.

The geographical center of Freyhaven. A gated maze that held all kinds of flowers, all kinds of colors and beauties and names. Close to a mile all around, it was incredibly easy to get lost in the wonder. Or to find yourself in tranquility.

Alyvia remembered the first time she stepped foot into the Garden of Galston. Once supposed to be named after the first queen, Queen Victorie. Upon her husband's death just shy of their twentieth wedding anniversary, the garden having just been finished as an anniversary gift from the king to the queen, Queen Victorie named it after the king.

Alyvia liked to think it wasn't because of the king's sudden death that she made the dedication. She liked to think Queen Victorie named the garden after the man she loved irrevocably. While everyone knew that the marriage between King Galston and Queen Victorie was arranged for the sake of the blooming kingdom, the love they showed each other went beyond just for the public eye. The garden was Galston's last gift to Victorie to show utter love and devotion. Victorie gifted it right back to show nothing less than just that.

"That kind of love that transcends death is the kind yo should always strive for, Lyvi," her mother had said, hand grasped around Alyvia's small fingers as they walked among the petals.

"Do you love papa like that?" Small Alyvia had asked.

Dona Lebree watched the flowers as if she could see them blooming. "I wish I did."

Alyvia didn't know what that meant at the time, being only a few years old and too enamored by the nature around her. She just gave her mother a hug around the legs and dragged her further into the maze of flowers.

It was one of her last and only memories of her mother.

From that day forward, Alyvia wanted to visit the Garden of Galston almost everyday. She would have too if her mother hadn't explained that seeing a once-in-a-lifetime beauty too often deters the beauty and likeness of it. That you will become bored of its gorgeousness.

If you are continuously given everything you want in life, where does your drive to live go? What is left to motivate you?


It was her mother's voice, her mother's eyes looking at her with concern. She could just barely imagine those beautiful fingers sweeping her fair blonde hairs from falling further into her face.


She blinked and found Reeves staring at her, blue eyes full of concern. She shifted in her seat, taking a look around the room.

Kael was gone, Vinny with him. Jenner was quietly looting through the desk, pulling out papers before scrunching his brows together and putting them back.

"Most of it is written in a different language," Reeves answered the unasked question. Alyvia nodded in understanding. Jenner grunted, and continued rifling.

Reeves leaned forward, forearms braced on his thighs as he raked his hands over his scalp, brushing over the shaved blond hairs there. Alyvia had no idea what he was thinking, but she couldn't imagine it wasn't anything good. Not after Kael practically told them they could never leave. She only hoped he didn't mean forever—if the stories were true about the fae, their forevers lasted dozens longer than a human's. "What's going to happen, Reeves?" Alyvia asked, voice quiet.

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