"I hate the internet so much!"

Terra and Saphron advanced on him, thigh-high socks and skirts in hand.

"And I hate you as well!"


The morning came and breakfast was had, before Terra and Saphron worked to upload the first of around ten or so videos they'd made the night before. It hadn't been half as bad as he feared, with most of the clothes just being small changes here and there to give off the illusion that they hadn't all been recorded in one go. Saphron had even tussled and changed his hair slightly between each one to make it look like a week had passed between them.

It was easy to tell when the video had gone live because that was when the headache hit.

Through performing for an audience, you have gained +1 Charisma.

Through performing for an audience, you have gained +1 Charisma.

Through performing for an audience, you have gained +1 Charisma.

Ah, yes.

The "fun" part of having a Semblance that liked to drill it into your skill whenever it was active. Did other people have to deal with this? He doubted it. When the first notifications hit, he'd nearly stumbled off the sidewalk into the road. They weren't painful, but they were shocking – in the same way a person suddenly appearing behind you to scream into your ears might be shocking. Except the voice was inside his own head and couldn't be silenced.

After a while, it stopped surprising him and just annoyed him, though it was easier to deal with it in the daytime when there were distractions abound and he could sit down with a soda and a cake in a diner and just bury the sounds in listening to other people talk and stuffing his face with sugar. That didn't stop his scroll buzzing. He glanced down to see it was a text from Nora.

"Renny and I watched your new vid. You're such a cutie!"

He replied back with, "Bite me. Met someone from Signal btw. You know Pyrrha Neekos?"

"It's Nikos," her reply came, followed by a "..." as she started typing a new message. "And I know her but don't know her. Best in combat class but gets to skip class a lot for tournaments or something. Hangs around the more popular kids."

"You're not popular? You and Ren are pretty cool."

"Ren isn't sociable and I don't share well. We like it this way. Also, Ren wants you to know he totally did save your new video as his scroll background."


"Sorry, he said he definitely DIDN'T save it as that."

"Autocorrect, lol."

Jaune stared at the text darkly. Really, Ren? Really? So much for the Bro Code. Jaune sighed and texted her back to tell her to delete it the first chance she got. He didn't think it would stop him but he'd be damned if his first real guy friend was going to develop a crush on his own alter-ego.

Through performing for an audience, you have gained +1 Charisma.

Through performing for an audience, you have gained +1 Charisma.

"Ugh. How many views is this stupid video getting?" Jaune sighed and resisted the urge to look. The answer would only depress him. In fact, as he looked around, he could see several people looking at their scrolls as they ate.

Logic said they were probably reading emails, texts, or talking to people.

But paranoia had them all listening to GuitarC – which was not short for Guitar Cutie.

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