Chapter 36

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For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;

- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot

Now that he can mull over the choices first hand, he knows which sort of gathering he'd rather have. Bring on the revel and let Draco get lost in the crowd.

Lucius makes a huge show of his son back at home and reunited with him at last. Never mind that Draco had seen him before the end of summer. That encounter feels surreal compared to this. Lucius is no longer a trembling shadow of himself. He's in command of his manor once more and delighted to host the night.

House elves are frantically scurrying to and fro, and it's never been more obvious that Narcissa usually did all of the event planning and hostessing duties. Her absence is sorely felt. Of his mother's two personal elves, he catches a quick glimpse of Bluey but no Poppet, yet. Narcissa might have Poppet with her, and with Jasper and Suz at Snape's, it leaves rather a lot of work for the elves still in Malfoy Manor. Straining for subtlety, Draco tries to see if he can spot any abuse on any of them.

Nothing overt. It's possible that Lucius also got the message when Voldemort chastised him for his transgressions with Dobby a few years prior. Coming straight on the heels of Voldemort's latest punishment of him, Lucius might be toeing the line with extra diligence.

Draco had left his bag at home (as he now considers Snape's to be, to his mild amusement) and it feels odd, not having it with him. It's distracting. He's used to the weight of it at his hip, but he wouldn't have it here anyway. Too many valuable things inside. He'd tucked it at the foot of his bed at Snape's when he'd unpacked his few things for the winter hols.

Snape had made them fashionably late at Draco's urging - not that his godfather had protested spending less time at the manor. Draco wanted everybody well into their cups by the time he arrived, hoping copious alcohol would have everybody distracted and raucous.

This seems to have worked, to his immense relief.

It's a full house. Both Crabbes are there, along with both Goyles. Parkinson, Nott, Avery, MacNair. Both Carrows - as if Draco doesn't get enough of them at school. They're practically interchangeable anyway. Rookwood and Rowle. All the old guard, all of whom crowd around Lucius like fraternity brothers, cheersing crystal tumblers of firewhisky.

Considering parties beneath himself, the Dark Lord only sweeps through the room once and Draco doesn't see his aunt at all.

He catches Snape's eye from across the room and holds it for a distinct amount of time. He lets an image of Bellatrix float to the forefront of his mind and Snape slowly makes his way over.

"Greyback has found a few willing... assistants. They'll be out hunting nightly, and our lovely Bellatrix is off rounding up a few more and overseeing their progress. I'm sure she'll have a few tips and pointers for them. Perhaps we will have good news tonight," he announces openly, raising his glass for Draco to clink.

Knowing what's expected of him, he does and the accompanying burn of the whiskey down his throat masks the chill.

"The Snatchers could use the help," Avery snorts. "They're wretched so far. Not turning up nothing but the odd Mudblood. I bet our Bella can set them right."

Draco excuses himself for the loo as people gather around Avery, contributing varying opinions on the quality of their Snatchers and their objectives.

On his way down the long hall of the east wing, he hears a high voice squeak out, "You is nosing, you is!"

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