Chapter 26

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They're right back where they were twenty minutes prior, when Dumbledore was still alive, having no clue where Harry is.

They can't find him and Hermione doesn't know what to do or where to look. The scene in the entrance hall is chaotic. McGonagall cordoned off the area around Dumbledore's body but everyone knows there's nothing to be done. There's no first aid to administer.

Every face Hermione sees has tears streaking down it. Ginny is in shock, trembling and clutching her arms around her torso to stem it. Ron's doing his best for her, rubbing her back and saying something in a low voice Hermione can't hear. He helps Ginny to the ground where she puts her head between her knees. He kneels beside her, his own face blank with shock.

Hermione herself has ceased screaming Harry's name. There's no point. He isn't here.

She's shaking a little, too and casts a warming charm on herself. It makes no difference; it isn't from chill.

Professor Sprout is tending to Millicent Bulstrode, who's caught between repulsion at the kindly professor assisting her and resentment that she was left behind. Already an unfortunate girl, her ugly face twists as she tries to pull away from Sprout's hands on her shin. At least she's stopped squalling, although the vocal gap she left behind has been thoroughly filled with other hysteria from around the hall.

McGonagall touches Hermione's arm and she barely feels it. "Miss Granger, what are the three of you doing here? You led me to understand you were going to keep control of your house."

The stern words finally register. "I... I'm sorry, ma'am." Hermione scrapes her arm across her eyes and gulps down the lump in her throat. "We wanted to find Harry. Now, we - we still do."

McGonagall's face softens and she scans around. Hermione already knows what she'll find. "Yes, yes, we should... find Mr Potter. It was an accident, what happened. He shouldn't blame himself."

Yet Hermione knows he will. Where would he go? She racks her brain.

She just can't think. She can't cut through this mess and her hand goes to her forehead. Rubbing her temples does not help.

"Miss Granger, I think the other professors and I are in agreement that tonight is not the appropriate time to inform the students of what has happened. An assembly in the morning at breakfast will be better. Can the three of you keep quiet in Gryffindor Tower this evening, or would you prefer to sleep overnight in the hospital wing?"

Hermione blinks twice and looks over at Ginny, still sitting with her head tucked between her knees. She makes the decision for all three of them. "I think the hospital wing would be best, ma'am."

"Yes, quite," McGonagall murmurs, following her line of sight.


"Yes, Miss Granger?"

"What do we do about Harry?"

McGonagall seems to think this over and maybe she can do a better job of it than Hermione can just now.

"I think it unlikely that he would return to Gryffindor Tower, even with his cloak. Do you know anywhere else he might go?"

That's exactly what she's been trying to figure out. "Hagrid's? But he wouldn't want - wouldn't want to break the news to Hagrid, I don't think." A sob rises in her throat and she fights for composure. "Maybe - maybe the Astronomy Tower? Somewhere private."

"I'll send someone to check."

Her professor turns to leave and Hermione sees the three bound Death Eaters slumped along the wall behind her. Something strikes her suddenly and she lunges for McGonagall's elbow. "Ma'am! Professor!"

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