𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈 ; make it work

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A week had passed since the new start of the fine establishment created by the hands of Hell's Princess

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...A week had passed since the new start of the fine establishment created by the hands of Hell's Princess. Supported by one of the most unexpected denizens, one who happens to have been a literal menace since he had spawned after death.

The radio demon himself, Alastor.

An intimidating figure. His presence may seem charismatic at first, but he truly doesn't hide his power nor his history. To underestimate would be a grave mistake.

With just a snap of his fingers, the dressed in red demon could easily do what he wants. From summoning all sorts of things to his terrifying form his victims had known him for.

Starving from lack of entertainment, he assisted her highness with running the hotel.

Thus, leading to the situation one of the blonde princess's companions was currently going through said whole week.

Morana, since the sudden arrival of the radio demon, had always felt an uncomfortable feeling when being around his presence. Mind constantly screaming warning signs.

It's no secret that he probably relishes in that fact. The first day he came, he had no issues popping out of dark- surprising her each time.

Accompanying her, talking to her, assisting her...

Seemingly innocent at first. Apparently, her 'shameless' way of being so responsive around him was entertaining for dear Alastor. Along side her instinct to follow his lead at any moment.

Was she aware of that? Sorta. The first day with him was suffocating but by the time the fourth day of the week arrived, she had begun to get used to his presence.

There's still times where she's a little threatened. However, now she can manage better.


"Oh, good morning, my dear!" The sudden filtered voice seeming to come out of nowhere had made the raven headed denizen freeze from where she stood in the velvet halls of the renovated hotel.

With a swift turn of her heel, her velvet eyes made contact with the pure red staring right through her, the toothy grin further widening at her quick reaction.

There stood the overlord in all his unholy glory, hands behind his back and slightly bending forward to have leaned into her face.

"Good morning, Alastor.." Morana spoke, voice quite soft as ever. Her lips having curled to a small smile, her hands occupied by a decent stack of folded clothes. Adjusting her hold, she takes a few steps back to give him space.

"How did the fair lady sleep last night?" Questioned the radio demon, standing up straight from his bowing position. He moved to place himself at her open side with his head turned down to assure she's still within his sight.

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 ◆ alastor | HAZBIN HOTEL Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin