𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐈 ; goodbye, town's sweetheart

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"A reminder to all

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"A reminder to all..., Not to mess with the Radio Demon."

The overlord had cackled, letting himself take hold of his demon form. Black tentacles sprouted from his back and out the broken walls of the hotel, having no issues slaughtering those that had attempted to break an entering into the establishment.

"I will devour each and every one of you!"

He could finally put out his frustrations to these lowly shark-looking sinners. Though, he didn't necessarily like the certain reason why they had even went all the way to the hotel and tried to break down the doors. Said reason being the showgirl that had obviously lied about her own intent of coming to the building.

Husk was right. But he was even more so. 7 years of being absent, and he, as he should, is powerful.

The screams had eventually died down ( quite literally ).

"Oh, I missed getting to let off steam" Alastor had spoke with some satisfaction, reverting back to his seven-foot frame self. His staff spun and he had placed his hands behind his back whilst he face the damaged building.

That was one nuisance down.

"Oh, Alastor!" And here's the second. The showgirl had stepped out from the broken doors, clapping her hands as she made a beeline towards him. "What a fantastic show! Bravo! As always"

Mimzy stops right in front of him, tucking her blonde hair back. Her eyes averted to the side momentarily, "Thanks for helpin' lil' old me outta a tough spot" She'd grin at him sweetly, "You're always such a pal-"

A large chunk of debris falls from sky, landing just at the showgirl's side. Mimzy flinched at the almost near double-death experience. She looks down at the piece, placing a hand infront of her lips.


She had given her attention to the mess she had made out of the hotel, laughing nervously at the aftermath of the problem she had brought along.

"Ehe..sorry about the mess!" She waved a hand down, the other on her cheek to seem almost sheepish like what she had done was a minor mistake. She clears her throat, regaining composure. "But I'm sure the lil' bug can take care of it for ya"

"I think you should go, Mimzy" The radio filtered voice stated, letting out his remaining tolerance. He hadn't bothered to look down at the blonde, still staring at the establishment in ruins.


"Oh! Pft, Alastor" Mimzy blew out a small snicker, unable to take his words seriously. "You're such a kidder, you!" She giggled, bringing her gloved hands to rub her own cheeks and squish. Her voice pitched up.

"You are so funny!"

Alastor's brows had furrowed.

"I mean it." He bluntly put out.

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 ◆ alastor | HAZBIN HOTEL Where stories live. Discover now