62 : Everything Will Be

Start from the beginning

She took it, enthusiastically. "Mr Smith, I will."

"What about you, Mr Thompson?" The Doctor offered his arm to the black haired boy, and smiled with that sort of pleased way. "May I interest you in a trip to the globe theatre to see William Shakespeare?"

"Mr Smith," EJ replied, with a great sense of excitement and fondness. "I have never loved you more."

"When you get home, you can tell everyone you've seen Shakespeare!"

Martha retorted with feigned enthusiasm. "And then I could get sectioned!"

"Ty would adore this. He's got a degree in Literature." The Thompson boy cackled, throwing his hair back. "He's gonna be so jealous."

It was nothing short of brilliant. EJ had seen Shakespeare performed in all sorts of manners, but this... this was what he lived for. The words were so raw, and even a play such as Love's Labour's Lost, which was not his favourite, he found himself enticed.

Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love.

Surrounded by an entire crowd, EJ was feeling as content as he ever had. A few tears fell from his eyes, nothing that he couldn't cover up, but for once, he didn't mind it. This was an experience that could never be topped, he didn't know what could.

When the actors came on for the curtain call, and they bowed, EJ could hardly take his eyes of of them. Some were dressed as women, considering that women weren't allowed act on stage for another sixty years or so. The Thompson boy would not deny that he found that one or two of the actors attractive, though, no one was going to think any less of him for it. It was to be expected by now.

"That's amazing!" Martha seemed breathless as she applauded. "Just amazing! It's worth putting up with the smell!"

The Doctor nudged EJ. "Are you crying?"

"This is, like, the best day of my life." He replied, wiping his eyes dry, his hands already red and raw from how hard he'd clapped. "Apart from Josh being born, obviously."

"And those are men dressed up as women, yeah?" Martha began to point to the actors at the back of the stage.

The Doctor only remarked, fleetingly. "London never changes."

"Where's Shakespeare? I want to see Shakespeare!" She said, impatiently. "Author, author! Do people shout that, do they shout author?"

It was nice to hear it echoed around the floor of the Globe. "Author! Author!" The chants followed in the same way.

"Well," The Doctor tilted his head. "They do now."

     EJ couldn't remember feeling so elated as when William Shakespeare himself stepped onto the stage; a true showman. The crowd roared at the sight of him, the Thompson boy was no exception. Gentle kisses were blown to the audience, flourishing with every movement. But the thing that EJ noticed most was how attractive he was.

     Martha seemed to clap harder, and EJ seemed to glaze over. Even the Doctor was enjoying himself, a content grin on his face. There wasn't anyone who didn't love Shakespeare.

     "He's a bit different to his portraits." Martha remarked, slightly taken aback by his beauty.

  "I knew that I loved Shakespeare," EJ sighed, dreamily. "But he's just... ten year old me would be extremely jealous."

  "Genius!" The Doctor said, in awe, as Shakespeare touched a few of the hands reaching up for him. "He's a genius, the genius, the most human human there's ever been. Now, we're gonna hear him speak! Always, he chooses the best words, new, beautiful, brilliant words..."

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