Origin of Hadithia - Part 1

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Once Upon a Time, there lived a benevolent king and queen who ruled over their enchanted kingdom with the same kindness and devotion they showed each other - but their love is a tale for another time. This kingdom was Hadithia, a vast, rich world brimming with the purest raw magic...magic that, once manipulated, could be used for anything from the greatest kindness to the wickedest evil.

The Orisha saw the pain and suffering that followed their people wherever they went and set to creating a land outside of time and space where they could live in peaceful harmony. But they were wary...not all people have good intentions, and one bad seed could erupt into a forest of destruction, snuffing out the love of Hadithia's core.

The land was left empty for centuries, save the abundant wildlife that stretched from the golden sandy beaches and towering mountains to the lush rainforest at its center. The Orisha watched their people for generations, studying the way they lived and how they would always be driven to cruelty, despite some of their best efforts to remain kind. One day, they found a couple who defied the harshness of the world they faced with a kindness that radiated from them like the bright Saharan sun. Despite what was thrown at them, they continued to hold true to the teachings of their ancestors and remained a beacon of light to all around them. One day, one of the Orisha came down to them in a shared dream, to see if they could learn their secret.

"Why are you so kind no matter the cruelty thrown on you? Why do you never dampen your light and become cruel yourself?"

The man and woman smiled to each other. "Most people are inherently good and pure. But the tragedies of everyday life eventually feel heavier than the everyday miracles, and darken the purity in their hearts with despair." The woman said.

"Despair fights to destroy us every day, but we fight to value the good over the bad. And we hold in our hearts the kingdom we know will one day be ours, if we continue to choose love everyday over hate." The man said, taking the woman's hand to brush against his lips.

The Orisha decided these would be the perfect rulers for Hadithia. With the couple's consent, they were brought to the new land to become the first monarchs. The Orisha began filling the land with their people of the Diaspora all over the world, visiting them in their dreams to confirm their purity of heart before offering them new life as Hadithians. The people spread throughout Hadithia, making homes in the dense rainforests and fertile mountain lands, the vast deserts and inviting beaches, from the empty canvas of the open plains to the secluded, sacred lands that would only show themselves to the select worthy.

Hadithia flourished with the people of the Diaspora, diverse with the many continents the people were spread amongst. Many cultures and traditions, languages and histories littered the land, combing through each new generation until the diverse populus was glittering with life...each person unique while still belonging with ease. The king and queen ruled over their kingdom justly, helping their people resolve disputes and cultivate the land side by side as their ancestors once did.

In their love they had a son, and they named their little prince Hasani. He was perfectly named, a charming and loving young man, handsome from the inside out. The king and queen were ready to rest, but the prince was not completely certain he was ready to take over. It is true he was charming and intelligent, but he still held many fears of his ability to rule. Hasani would rather spend his free time with his people, specifically with his dear friend he grew up with: Kibaraki, a shaman in training. The two would often spend the long afternoons of summer hiding out in the villages neighboring the palace, helping with the villager's chores and chatting the day away. But one of these days, when Kibaraki and Hasani were separating out grains to dry for the temple, Hasani fell in love. He was so taken that he did not even realize his best friend harbored the same feelings. That day sparked the beginning of the truest love story and the end of the purest friendship. But again, this is a story for another time.

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