Chapter 1: The Waking Dream

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In the beginning, there existed two entities, Light and Dark, the two of them did a perpetual waltz across the vast emptiness, never once stopping and never once looking away from one another. However, there came a time when the Darkness desired more, and thus, with the Light's aid, they created the first beings, Dragons. The dragons descended and created the world of Tepata each creating a kingdom, resulting in 9 total kingdoms, each with their unique ways of life. Beneath each kingdom, a dragon took refuge, going into hibernation and awaiting a day when they might be needed once more.

From there Light and Dark created the gods, desiring more than just Tepata, the gods created the realms, the universe, and more, populating each with creatures to suit the realm they would call home. All was peaceful and working like a well-oiled machine, but it did not last, for within the vastness hid a third unknown entity, Oblivion. Oblivion loved the silence, the silence before all of creation came to be, and with something existing it grew angry, desiring the silence it once knew and loved.

Deals were made and all of creation pushed Oblivion back, stopping it from destroying everything, or at least, that's what was believed. Thousands upon thousands of years passed and as those who remembered the threat grew older, they soon forgot the war and strife caused by Oblivion. Thus Oblivion faded into myth, a tale to scare the children into being good, the boogeyman, the nightmare that haunted overimaginative minds.

With that long explanation out of the way, I bring you to the present day, 974 yc. If anything maybe I should follow that long expose with an introduction, My name is William Destiny, though all my friends call me Will, I call myself Will, you can call me Will, it doesn't matter what you call me if I'm being honest, but what does matter is that Oblivion is returning. It fell upon me to learn about this unfortunate news through my god, Korporia, who is the god of Balance and Justice. He came to me in a dream (I know, so cliche) and warned me of the impending doom that was to come. Warning me to seek out Hex Mercury, King Peter of Tundaria, and above all else, Tonker, names that I do not know, belonging to people I also do not know.

Can you imagine being chosen to carry out a quest randomly while you're sleeping? Well apparently that's my situation, I mean, my everyday life was normal, I would wake up, go to work on my family's farm, and pretty much live a normal life. The weirdest thing that happened to me was my family trying to find me a wife, unfortunately, the person I had my eyes on was a man in my city, Evlos, but my friend Jack warned me not to pursue him because he is a Huntsman, but that is beside the point, either way I just do farm work. All that being put aside, primarily because it has nothing to do with any of this and going back to the start of all this nonsensical nonsense.

I woke up that morning, having received a dream, a few names, and a new mission. My goal? Talk to my friend Jack, he was a neighbor of mine who I befriended in my early years of life, in simpler terms we are childhood friends, If anything he could help me figure out what it is I'm supposed to do or maybe even tell me where to find these people. Regardless, I walked out of my house which is positioned on the shining outskirts of Na'atar, A city within Kanho'ta, a city of farming and peaceful life. Thankfully I only had a 15-minute walk to meet up with Jack, granted the walk itself is on the scenic route so I had plenty to see and plenty to think about before I got there. How would I even tell him? Thus my adventure began with a dream...

"Oh by the way Jack, our god of justice and balance came to me in a dream telling me to find these very specific people, for this very specific reason, before this very specific time, without any specific direction," I thought to myself, feeling as if I was going crazy just trying to find the right words.

I mean, it could have been so much worse right? I could have had less direction, or some other disadvantage, at least I was given something to go by. From where I stand, the names I was given are just names, I can only assume they could be well known in other cities, of course, I know who Peter is, given he is the youngest king to ever rule over Tundaria. It's well known that he rose to power due to his elder brother, Edward, being the product of an affair between the now-deceased King Vernon, and a servant.

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