The Name Game - Rosa Diaz

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Praise, slight degradation, jealousy,
semi-public sex, etc...


"Who the hell is this?"

Those were the first words you heard as the Captain introduced you to your new coworkers, who all looked at you with smiling faces. Well, except for the woman who just asked who the hell you were.

"This is Detective Y/n. New member of our team," Your boss stated, looking over at the same dark-haired woman from before who had her arms crossed over her chest. "Y/n here will be taking over the empty desk next to yours, Diaz. Be nice."

"I'm always nice," she commented with a straight face.

The Captain sighed before turning his focus back to you. "Make yourself comfortable. Ask Rosa here if you have any questions." You nodded in response as the older man walked away, leaving you alone with the woman.

"Nice to meet you!" You smiled, with a hand held out for the woman to shake, but to your dismay, she ignored it and went to her desk. You followed behind her, and dropped your purse on your new desk, but as soon as you went to open your mouth again, you were cut off.

"A few ground rules," she said. "No obnoxious noises, no smelly foods—"

"Why would I even—"

"No interrupting me," she continued. "And most importantly, no shaving at your desk."

"Why would I shave—"

"Follow these rules. No if's and's, or but's."

And that's how it was with her. It took you weeks before you decided to ignore her altogether. Her sharp words always cut your heart into a million pieces.

You didn't know why she was that way around you. Sure, she was blunt with everyone else but with you it was different. Almost cruel.

But since you grew closer to Amy, who gave you the courage to not let Rosa's words get to you, and just do what you do best. Which was your job. You only talked to Rosa if you were paired together, and 'talk' was more of an understatement. Few words were ever spoken, and the ravenette was quick to catch on to how quiet you quickly became around her.

At first, she thought nothing of it, but as time went on and your friendship with Amy blossomed, it was obvious just how outgoing you were with her and the rest of the team compared to Rosa herself.

Of course everyone else noticed the tension between you two, and for detectives, it wasn't that hard for them to figure out why. The way you would dare sneak a glance in Rosa's direction when she wasn't looking, and the way Rosa would do the exact same thing with you, except in her case, her eyes would linger.

It wasn't until the Captain had the two of you stay late one night to fill out an over abundance of paperwork, that the two of you actually spent time together, alone.

"I need your signature to wrap up this burglary file, Diaz." You say as you attempt to hand the woman your file.

"Fine," she responds before snatching the file from your grip.

𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon