Little Miss Perfect || MomoJirou

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Paul McCartney blared loudly through class 1-As form common room. Of course, the class was not under any circumstances, allowed to have parties but this one was organised while their teachers were all going out for dinner together.

Students were dancing, screaming, throwing up. The entire room stank of alcohol as Hanata Sero dropped to the floor, his entire vision going black.

That was an experience Momo Yaoyorozu could never relate to. She would never even dare to black out at any party nevermind the one that she was not meant to be authorising. As Vice President, she had gone against Tenya Iidas decision (the actual president) which was not to have the party at all but now she had begun to regret it. Everything was completely out of her personal control.

"HEYY YAOMOMO!!" Her friend shouted, completely intoxicated.

"Jirou... don't you think you should get some water?" She asked.

"WHATS THE FUN IN THAT?" Shouting over the music, Kyoka Jirou seemed unable to recognise the more than platonic placement of her hand.

Momo, being almost completely sober, did. She gently took the purple haired girls hand into her own, removing it gently from her thigh. "Perhaps not fun but it is the smart thing to do... you will feel awfully unwell in the morning."

The other girl simply stared at her, "How are you doing, Yaoyorozu?"

Yaomomo took in a breath, slightly taken aback by the sudden softness of her voice, "Well, hmm..."

To be honest, she should of had a straight forward answer to that, like she did most things but this question always stumped her. Yaoyorozu was adopted when she was two, her parents spoilt her rotten but often, she'd ask her self, 'what did I do to get as far as I've gotten?'

Brushing the thoughts from her mind, Momo simply smiled, "Im fine, thank you Jirou. Although I think I should retire to my room for the night... I'll see you in class tomorrow."

Without even waiting for a reply, the black haired girl was up and out the common room.

As she laid so peacefully in her queen-sized bed, it was impossible to actually fall asleep. The music was still blaring out at full volume, making the floors beneath her vibrate. But... there was yet another reason why Momo Yaoyorozu couldn't sleep that night. A reason she was unable to accept.


The next morning came painfully slow. As she walked around UA corridors with perfect posture, her head was thumping from tiredness. To be fair, most of class As heads were throbbing but Momo had an entirely different reason.

She unlocked her locker, getting out the books for that particular day but when she turned around her eyes locked onto her purple haired friend as she passed by. 'Pretty...' Momo thought as her heart gave a flutter in her chest but she wouldn't dare utter a word. That would be absurd behaviour for 'little miss perfect.'

"Ughhhhh, how do you still look so effortlessly perfect?" Mina Ashido questioned, slouching over to Yaoyorozu.

The black haired girl let out a practiced giggle, "Because, unlike some, I wasn't up until 3a.m drinking."

Mina rolled her yellow eyes before grinning, "Would have been later if Aizawa didn't interrupt it! Did you hear Miss Midnight come in? She joined the party! It was great, I can't even believe you went to bed so early."

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