Chapter 10-B: A Halloween Trick Leads To A Spanked Tail. (Dottie)

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?"

"Dottie of all the things I have reported you for and made sure you were punished for, even when I first sent you to see Alphonso the first time. Can you honestly tell me with a straight face that I stopped what you think as playful actions or have I been stopping your more dangerous and damaging tricks?"

"L-Like what?"

"Let's see here, how about the time you wanted to coat the seniors' hallways in soapy water?"

"They were just gonna fall down."

"And risk cracking a skull, breaking an arm, or tearing something." Mrs. Webb went on. "How about the time I stopped you from adding bubble bath liquid to the Coast City fountain."

"It was just gonna look funny."

"And it is very much illegal to do that since it puts people and animals at risk, young lady."

"How about what got you sent to me in the first place?" Alphonso spoke up. "Cause your little classic of glue and feathers in a bucket. Was one not attached to string or anything that would have kept it from shattering someone's skull. But also glue getting in someone's mouth, or nose, might lead to a thing called suffocation."

"I-I admitted I was wrong there."

"And who was the one that sent you to me instead of reporting you to the principal where you would have gotten into more trouble than even you are willing to admit." Alphonso said firmly. "Everytime she has done what you see as unfair has actually protected you from going too far and possibly injuring someone at the least. Does that seem like the actions of someone who hates you?"

Even Dottie found herself shaking her small head. "But she gets me grounded or even," she blushed a bit as she avoided looking at the boy who had so far given her two spankings for her actions. "You know."

"I do that so you can learn from your actions." Mrs. Webb added. "Cause you don't have anyone at your home right now that seems willing to call it how most people see it. You are sometimes a very bright and kind girl, you love learning about different religions and even as much as you hate me have stayed behind to ask more questions on Judaism and Christianity. However you are also a very naughty little girl who needs some discipline in her life. Because some of your jokes are more dangerous and harmful than you think. And I care about you too much to see you end up not only hurting someone but never forgiving yourself if one day one of your jokes goes way too far. Your laughter is music to a lot of people's ears, I would hate it if we never heard that laughter again." Mrs. Webb gave the girl a small smile that suddenly made her feel like the biggest piece of garbage in the world for nearly doing something really mean to this woman.

"I-I'm sorry..." Dottie whimpered. She let out an adorable little fake yawn before standing up to her feet and starting to creep her way towards the door. "Thank you for stopping me, Alphonso and I will see you Monday, Mrs. Webb. This won't happen again I promise."

She made it maybe four steps before Mrs. Webb spoke up. "Dottie, we aren't quite finished just yet." Her voice was a bit colder and firmly one that made the small teenage stop in place. "I care about you too much to let this go without any form of punishment."

Dottie turned around and clasped her hands together. "Can we maybe forget all of this and just start over, pwetty please." Her large eyes starting to look back and forth from Mrs. Webb and Alphonso.

"Well the way I see it," Mrs. Webb began. "Either you have one of two options, little one. Either you have a nice long chat with Alphonso here and then you both can help me pass out another bowl of candy as it is only 6 o'clock. Or I put passing out candy on hold for 20 minutes as I drive you back home and show your mother all the wonderful things you had planned for my house."

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