"Hello Kesler." Aunt Edaline replied, only a small smile quivering on her small lips. She noticed Skylar's greeting and waved back softly. "You're not teaching your daughter potionry, are you?"

"You're damn right I am. It's a skill any average elf should know at least." Kesler replied, with his chest puffed with pride. Then he seemed to notice the other girl for the first time. "Well, who do we have here? I don't remember you ever telling me anything about another kiddo in the house."

Edaline sighed again. "She's new. This is Sophie Foster. Sophie, this is your Uncle Kesler, my brother-in-law." She gestured with her hand between them. 

Dex practically hopped over to her as Skylar removed her apron and goggles to get a better look at her. "Hi! I'm Dex! Your eyes are really cool! Did you dye them that color? I dyed mine red one time, and it totally freaked everyone out at school!"

Sophie looked bewildered as she responded with, "Um, my eyes are actually just brown."

Skylar pierced her brother with a stare that hopefully conveyed the message to stop asking so many questions. She stayed silent, though, as was normal for her.

"So, where did you come from, Sophie?" Kesler asked while cleaning up the mess their experiment had made.

Sophie shared a look with Aunt Edaline. "The Forbidden Cities." she answered reluctantly.

Skylar's eyes widened while Dex continued to interrogate her. The Forbidden Cities? Skylar thought that that place was off-limits for elves. Like, it was literally the Forbidden Cities? Unless she wasn't an elf at all...? But that would make even less sense.

Edaline seemed to notice Skylar's bewilderment. "How about you, Dex, and Sky go off and talk while Kesler and I get the medicine Elwin requested."

Kesler's head popped up. "Oh yeah, good idea! Let me see that list..."

Skylar awkwardly followed Dex and Sophie over to the corner. "So, Sophie, this is my sister Skylar!" Dex told her exuberantly. 

Sophie looked between them with a puzzled look, probably wondering why they looked nothing alike. "Um, hi?" she said unsurely. 

Skylar returned her greeting with a small wave. "Hi."

"So, what kinds of things do you like to do Sophie?" Dex asked, unfazed by the slight awkwardness in the air.

Sophie pulled out an eyelash--ouch. "Well... sometimes I--"

Her answer was interrupted by a loud BURRRRP, signaling that someone had entered the shop. 

Moments later, a tall woman and her daughter were storming up to the counter. "Kesler Dizznee!" the woman shouted. "This has your son's handiwork written all over it!" She dramatically flipped up her daughter's hood to reveal her shiny, bald head.

"Mom!" the girl growled.

"Dex!" Skylar slapped his arm. "What did you do to Stina?"

Her brother grinned mischievously. "Stina's evil." he whispered to Sophie, who was trying and failing to hold back giggles. 

"Dex!" Skylar repeated, picking him up by his collar. "How would you like it if I pranked you so that all your hair fell off?" she seethed. Stina gazed at her in wonder for taking her side.

Dex squirmed and tried to free himself, but his sister had an iron grip. "Hey! It was just a prank! Put me down Sky!"

Skylar's mouth quirked. "Not likely, sorry."

"Well," Stina's mom huffed, smoothing her dress. "Your son's prank led to this monstrosity! If my daughter has to miss any days of school because of this, I will ensure that he will be held accountable!" She spit on the second syllable while glaring at Kesler.

Kesler sighed and scratched his head. "Alright, Vika. I'll see if we have any hair regrowth serums in the back, but if not, then wear a hat." He turned to his son. "And Dex? Do I want to know why--"

"Probably not." Dex admitted, still struggling for freedom from Skylar's grip. "But could you tell Sky to--"

"Not a chance."

Once the Hekses left, Dex was sent upstairs to make the hair serums for Stina. This left Kesler to talk with Edaline, and... Skylar with Sophie.

They sat on a bench outside the store, watching the hustle and bustle of Mysterium. Finally, Sophie broke the silence.

"So, Skylar... um, what is Foxfire like?"

Skylar considered this for a moment, and tried to determine why this was her first question. "Well, the building is a great big pyramid with six stories, one floor for each grade level. Then there's the Gold and Silver Towers, but those are only for the elite who manifest abilities..." She trailed off at the end.

Sophie peeked back at her. "What's your ability?" she asked.

Skylar stared at her toes. "I... don't have one yet."

"O-oh, ok."

The silence that hung in the air was so thick, you could cut it like mallowmelt. Both girls sat awkwardly next to eachother on a bench, neither wanting to ask or answer the question.

Eventually, Skylar decided to step up, address the matter, and get it out of the way. She sighed. "I know what you want to ask."

Sophie jumped. "You, uh, do?" Her face flushed slightly.

She cleared her throat softly. "I'm... not actually related my family, I was, um, adopted when I was a baby." she spat out, focusing on a certain pebble on the ground--again with the social skills, or lack thereof. 

Sophie made a little noise in the back of her throat, but surprisingly laid a hand on Skylar's--to which the latter girl flinched--and told her, "Well, that's one thing we have in common. Well, assuming Grady and Edaline actually go through with my adoption, but--

"They will, Sophie." Skylar assured her quietly, still trying not to squirm from their hands touching. 

"I hope..." Sophie again plucked out an eyelash.

"Why do you do that? Plucking out your eyelashes, I mean. Doesn't it hurt?" Skylar managed a small laugh.

Sophie giggled, her grip on Skylar's hand tightening. "It really doesn't, despite what it looks like." She opened her mouth to say something more, but the door of Slurps and Burps opened again, emitting Edaline.

"Time to go, Sophie." she said with a gentle smile, though Skylar could tell it was strained. "Have a good day, Skylar. Maybe next time I can stay to chat. It's been so long..." She waved one last time.

"Bye, I guess." Sophie said as she stood up. 

When she and Edaline leaped away, Skylar noticed Kesler watching her from inside. She sent her most piercing glare at him.

"Dad!" she groaned. "Why do you have to--" He cut her off with a big hug.

"Just excited to see my little girl making more friends." He left out the implied 'finally', but the sentiment was still there, Skylar supposed. 

A/N: Hello!

Yes, as you may have noticed, I changed the title yet again (is this the third title so far?). Now it's "Sapphires," which will make sense later in the story. Disclaimer though, this story is most definitely going to go through many major changes, but I'll try to put them here to help ya'll keep up with my rollercoaster of a book.

One more thing, I'm planning a special chapter to be released soon after we reach ten, maybe twenty stars. I hope you'll consider simply tapping one button to help this story become more popular. 

Have a good day/night! Bye 👋🏼

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