Meet The Plastics (Regina George)

Start from the beginning

Yes, it most definitely did.

"That was, not what I expected her to be like at all," I admit to Aaron who nods his head.

"She isn't usually, like that I mean. She's usually more fake and sweet. That seemed like, genuine Regina... Just stay away from her, okay? She's bad news." My eyes narrow at his words and I glance around his shoulder seeing the blonde turning around the corner, others cowering away to let her through. 

Then, I notice the amount of people staring at us. Were they watching the whole time? I sigh and put my stuff into my locker before closing it and checking what class I have.

"Do you have Science first period?" I ask Aaron as we walk in the direction of my class. He shakes his head.

"Nope, I have Socials, I think the only class we have together is Math, which will be great because you're smart and I'm not." I laugh and enter my Science class. Immediately, I spot an open seat closer to the back and I take it. Aaron stays with me until five before class starts and then he leaves, wishing me luck on my first day.

The bell rings and another girl quickly makes her way into the classroom, slipping down into the seat next to me. We smile at each other but before I can introduce myself, class starts. It passes fairly quickly since we didn't cover a lot of Science but the teacher seems decent. I start to pack up my stuff as the bell rings and he yells out a reminder for everyone to bring a notebook tomorrow. 

As I pull my bag over my shoulders I make eye contact with that girl again. We smile at each other again and this time I say something.

"Hi, I'm Y/n, I'm new here," I explain, catching her attention. Her smile brightens and she straightens her posture.

"I'm Cady, I'm new here too," She fidgets with one of the straps on her backpack. "I just moved here from Africa." She adds, making me raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"Africa? That's a long way from here, I'm just coming from California." I joke, making her laugh. She nods her head.

"Yeah, my parents are zoologists, they were doing research in Africa." She explains as we start to walk out of the class. I quickly check my timetable and see that I have English now.

"That actually sounds pretty cool, did you enjoy living there?" I ask, interested to hear about her experience there. She nods her head enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it was amazing, I loved it there. Not to put down America or anything, but it's way cooler." I laugh and shrug my shoulders.

"It seems like most countries are." I joke, turning to the left to get to my English class. "What class do you have next?" I ask, stopping outside of my room. She pulls out her phone and smiles.

"Socials, it's actually right there," She points to a class a few rooms down and glances up at the time. 

"Oh, that's convenient," I reply, just as I'm about to walk her to her class, a voice interrupts me.

"Hey, loser." I turn around and see Regina George smirking at me. I glance back at Cady whose eyes are wide. Regina gives Cady and up and up-and-down look before turning back to me.

"Do you have English right now?" She asks, her hand running up and down my shoulder. I glance at it and she tilts her head, smiling.

"Yeah, I do, what about you?" I ask, forcing a smile onto my face to calm my nerves. She shrugs.

"I have Socials, but I wasn't planning on going, you could come with me." At her words, I hear Aaron's echo through my mind.

Just stay away from her, okay? She's bad news.

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