Regret (Angelina Jolie)

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Summary: Y/n and Angelina dated for almost a year in secret before Angelina broke it off, completely cutting communication between the two. When she sees her again, she realizes she might have made the biggest mistake of her life, will it be too late to win her ex-girlfriend back?

Y/n is 27 and Angelina is 46.


"Hey baby," Y/n greeted her girlfriend, placing a sweet kiss against the brunette's lips. Angelina immediately reciprocated the kiss and tilted her head back further against the back of her chair, pulling Y/n's face closer. Their lips moved against each other innocently until Y/n felt Angelina's hand moving her onto her lap. She giggled onto her lips and pulled back, tucking a few strands of hair that fell onto Angelina's face when she tilted her head and booping the top of the brunette's nose.

"How's my beautiful girl been?" Angie asked, her hands falling to Y/n's waist, pulling their bodies flush against one another.

"Pretty good, but she's been a little bit bored since her stunning, talented, hardworking, girlfriend has been spending her entire day in the office when it's supposed to be her day off." Y/n teased, her hand moving behind her to closer her girlfriend's laptop. Angelina laughed and nodded.

"Well, her girlfriend is very busy right now and as much as she would love to spend time with the most lovely girl in the world, duty calls." She replied, matching the same joking tone in her lover's voice and smiling up at her girlfriend who pouted at her cutely, attempting to persuade Angelina to stop working. Angelina felt her heart swell at the sight and she moved to kiss Y/n to take the pout away but missed when her girlfriend pulled away.

"I'm serious, Ang, I want to spend some time with my girlfriend before I have to head back to New York." She explained, huffing when Angelina opened her mouth to protest. "You know what, whatever." She got off her girlfriend's lap and started to walk out of the room.

"Y/n, wait, please." Angelina pleaded, getting up and following her girlfriend.

"No, Angelina, I'm going to go finish packing." Y/n interrupted her, shutting the door in her girlfriend's face and leaving Angelina feeling quite shitty.

Instead of going out to talk with Y/n, Angelina sighed and sat back down, continuing with her work. Hours passed and Angelina never came out, instead nourishing herself on a protein bar and some water while she worked. So engrossed in her busy schedule she didn't notice that the house had gotten exceptionally quiet, or that she had done the exact same thing to Y/n that she had done all week since Y/n had traveled out to L.A., ignored her. When the clock struck midnight she decided to pack it up and carefully placed her laptop back into her bag, putting away the pens back into the penholder and putting all her paperwork into their designated folders.

"Jesus Christ," She mumbled, feeling the exhaustion set in as she closed the door to her office and headed to her bedroom. She didn't turn on the light to not wake up her girlfriend and instead went into their shared bathroom and turned on the lights. She noticed that almost everything of Y/n's had been packed up and she let out a sigh before grabbing her toothbrush and brushing her teeth. After quickly washing her face she turned off the light and opened the door, heading back into their bedroom and getting into her side of the bed. Immediately she noticed that Y/n wasn't in bed. She got up and turned the lights on but there was no sign of her. She walked around the house in a slight panic, checking the kitchen, couch, and games room just in case Y/n was still awake, although she doubted that since Y/n had always been one to head to bed around 10 pm. "Y/n, baby," She called out quietly, just in case she was asleep.

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