Chapter 5

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             However, because there was a huge event happening that is supposed to raise the funds for the Shinsengumi I was told to help out. But then we were then forced to quickly run to the place where Yamazaki had announced. Once we all got there, Serizawa had set the store on fire.
After being sent to the imperial castle to help the Aizu clan we were then known as Shinsengumi.
And because of that, everyone was going to celebrate. I decided not to take part with the drunks. And without us knowing, Niimi-san was testing and controlling the furies.
The next morning, we discovered that the building that had contained the water of life information had been burned down and Koudou-san had disappeared.
Then a couple of days later Niimi-san disappeared with the Water of life and because of that we are forced to search for him. And also, women and men are being attacked because of him and because of their blood thirst.
Because Serizawa-san told Ibuki that Niimi-san changed his name, Toshizo-san, Saitou-kun, Souji, and I decided that we all chase after him and try to bring him back to the headquarters.
Once we found him Niimi-san quickly drank the Water of life in his hand and started attacking us.
First it was Saitou and then it was both Souji and Toshizo-san. They all charged at him and tried to lay an attack on Niimi-san but failed. Once we all got up from being attacked, Niimi-san started to want blood because there was some on his face. Since I recovered the fastest, I chopped off his head.
We then returned home and cleaned our clothes.
The day after tomorrow was the day where almost everyone went out to eat. Instead, I decided to stay home and eat a healthy meal. However, it was an excuse so we could kill Serizawa-san.
I wasn't allowed to help because; if I were to help then I might not be able to do anything anymore. So I just stayed back and watched and because I stayed back and watched everyone else got hurt. But in the end, Ibuki-kun ran away and Toshizo-san killed Serizawa-san.
Since we had to look for Ibuki-kun, I went with Souji to look for him. And because I went with him we found him; however, because it was raining Souji decided to throw a needle at his leg not allowing him to walk and with that Souji pushed him off the bridge into the river.
With that, everything supposedly went back to normal with Kondou-san as our new Chief of the Shinsengumi.
Between Souji, Kondou, and I, my relationship with Souji has been recovered and finally we were getting ready to get eloped with one another.
When we finally announced it to the others, they weren't super surprised but they weren't emotionless about it.
Heisuke: Aww, Souji always gets all the pretty ladies!
Shinpachi: Hey, be happy for them! I mean ya don't see Souji settling down with someone very often.
Sanosuke: Heisuke you better not be flirting with Aoi-chan before her wedding date.
Heisuke: I ain't like that! I won't take another man's woman!
We just laughed at Heisuke's childish ways and continued talking. Soon after that, Souji and I got married to one another. Because women weren't allowed to be within the Shinsengumi or any kind of group, I was told to continue to be dressed up like a man. But little did neither of them know that I was soon to be giving birth; the only person that knows other than myself is Souji who has been taking care of me carefully.
Souji: Hey, you should be more careful.
Me: Oh shut up, I already know that.
Souji: Well, I am just worried because you have my child within you.
Me: Excuse you, but I am perfectly capable of walking.
Souji: I know but what if you trip?
My eye just twitches at his annoying act and ignores his question as he walks me to the main room.
Heisuke: Oi Souji and Aoi!
Me: What is it, Heisuke?
Heisuke: Woah! Why is your belly so big?
Me: Well, actually I'm pregnant.
Sanosuke, Shinpachi, Heisuke, and Toshizo: WHAT?!
Me: Well I thought it was kind of obvious now that my belly is this big... Souji has been worried about me ever since he found out that I was pregnant with his child.
Toshizo: I hope that your child does not end up like Souji; a complete idiot.
I just laughed.
Souji: Hijikata-san, what is that supposed to mean!?
Then Kondou-san walked in.
Kondou: Ah, Aoi you are doing well I assume?
Me: Ah, yes. Souji's been taking care of me every chance he gets. And he even bothers to follow me when I need to use the rest room.
Kondou-san just laughs as he sits down for breakfast.
Toshizo: Kondou-san, you knew?
Kondou: Well, yes. I knew from the very beginning.
Toshizo-san just deeply sighs as he holds his head in his hands. Because Souji had to go out and find the furies during the night, I often had to sleep alone until morning. However, tonight was different. Once they came home they had a woman dressed as a man or a boy and placed them in an empty room within the Shinsengumi headquarters.
Souji: Sorry did we wake you?
Me: No. I'm just glad you are home.
Souji: Hm...
He then got changed into his sleeping yukata and lightly placed his hand on my belly. Then, the child started kicking me from within me.
Souji: Hehe, they are kicking quite wildly.
Me: Maybe they recognised their stupid father.
Souji: Hey...
Me: I'm joking. But he probably recognised you though.
Souji: Today, we found a kid who witnessed the Furies.
Me: I think I've concluded that, Souji. After all, you rarely pick up someone from a fury killing.
Souji: I wonder what Hijikata is going to do to the kid.
Me: Knowing Toshizo-san, he is probably going to have a weak spot for the child.
Souji: What? How do you know?
Me: Because he wouldn't have let a child live after seeing the Furies.
Souji: True. *yawns* I'm tired, let's go to sleep.
Me: Okay.
With that we blew out the candle and went to sleep. The next day, I woke up and made breakfast for everyone even though Souji told me not to because I might hurt myself but I did it anyways.
After making breakfast, I called everyone for breakfast.
Kondou: Ah, Aoi you didn't have to.
Me: No, I had to. I am not capable of doing much now that I am pregnant but this is the least I can do for everyone who has been taking care of me.
Heisuke: YES! At last! No over seasoned food or tasteless food!
Shinpachi: *slaps Heisuke on the back* Ahhh shut it or Saitou and Souji will cut off ya limbs.
Saitou just ate in silence while the others were quite lively.
Souji: Eh? Didn't I tell you that you didn't need to make us breakfast at all?
Me: If I didn't make breakfast a certain someone will add too much seasoning. And if you haven't noticed, if you add too much seasoning it isn't good for you.
Souji: But it tastes fine to me...
Me: Just because it tastes fine to you doesn't mean it tastes fine to everyone else.
Souji just pouts and walks back to his station to guard the kid. Because I wasn't allowed to do much I was forced to stay in my room and do nothing. This afternoon, Toshizo-san has to leave for a meeting and won't be back for a while so he quickly got to the point with the kid who's name was Chizuru Yukimura. She was related to Koudou-san, the man who created the elixir; water of life. She told her story and was then sent back to the room she was staying in.

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