Just as I'm about to leave, my opponent Dean approaches, extending his hand for a congratulatory shake. We exchange words, acknowledging each other's efforts. I commend him on his performance and invite him to train together in the gym sometime. He expresses interest, and after our exchange, I head to my room where Lorna and the rest of the gang are waiting for me.

"I've booked out the new restaurant for a celebration," my dad informs me proudly after my win. As we walk down the corridor towards my room, with people congratulating me as we made our way down the corridor .

"Oh, yeah, sure," I replied with a subtle undertone of disappointment. I was kind of hoping to skip the celebrations and whisk Lorna off and indulge in some celebrating of our own. Dad gives me a knowing look and smirks, then drops the unexpected news, "I've also booked a suite for you and Lorna tonight." My eyes widen in surprise; I never anticipated such a gesture from him.

"Really?" I respond, attempting to contain my excitement.

"Yes," he says, but then adds with a stern tone and a hint of amusement, "But for the love of God, do not make me a grandfather before my time."

"Jesus, Dad, I'm hardly ready to become a father at this age."

"Good, because your career is about to take off. The scouts were here tonight and want to meet with you tomorrow. We'll be meeting them for dinner, so make sure you dress nicely and get some rest. Understood?" he says, giving me another stern look.

"Not sure that's going to happen tonight," I think to myself, knowing I'll be showing Lorna how much I missed her.

I really just wanted to skip the meal, but it wouldn't be fair to the others who went out of their way to support me tonight.

When we got to my room, everyone was waiting, clapping as I walked in. I walked toward Lorna, pulling her in for a hug, taking in her scent—she smelled so good. Dad cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. He informed them that a limo was waiting to bring us to the restaurant, telling the others they could go ahead.

I needed to clean up and shower first before going anywhere. I pulled Lorna's hand as she was about to leave, asking her to wait for me. But dad interrupted, telling Lorna to go ahead with Lance and the others. "You need to get checked out first, Reece," he said firmly, I threw him a look. (Fucking cock block)

She pecks me on the cheek. "I'll see you at the restaurant. Bye, Mr. Matthews," she says, walking past my dad. "We won't be long, Lorna, love," he says as he walks her to the door, closing it after her. Then, turning to me with a smug grin spread across his face, knowing too well what was on my mind when I had asked Lorna to stay back. I scowl at him.

"You've got plenty of time to spend with Lorna on your own. That's why I got the hotel room for you," he winks at me. "Now go shower while I get Doctor Stevens in to check you over," he adds. He always did this after myself and Lance fought, just as a precaution.

After the doctor's checkup, myself and my dad made our way to the restaurant in Dad's Bugatti. I felt a little left out, as the others got to ride in the limo, no doubt with a nice bottle of champagne. Dad noticed me pouting, chuckling at my demeanor.

We pull up to the restaurant, and the gang is all there, sitting down. Lorna is seated beside Samia, engrossed in conversation. I notice the seat to her right is free, so I make a beeline for her.

As I sit down, I whisper in her ear, telling her to inform her parents she won't be home tonight. Her brows crease as she looks at me in question.

I smirk, bringing my mouth closer to her ear again, letting her know that my dad booked us a suite for the night in his hotel. My mouth grazes her ear as I say, "I hope you are going to stick to the promise you gave me earlier." She shivers and bites her bottom lip. My arm hangs over the back of her chair as I lean in closer. "If you keep doing that, baby, I'm going to have to skip this dinner and carry you upstairs because I'm not sure how long I'm going to last, especially after your little tease earlier on." I bite her shoulder, causing her to gasp.

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