Forever Could be Better (Part 2/5)

Start from the beginning

Orange jumped slightly as he heard a quiet noise in the distance. He stood upright, alert, as he tried to listen for it again.

That's when he heard it again, it was voices.

He followed the noise across a small wooden bridge. He peeked around the side of the wooden fence that marked the path to see if he could identify what was speaking.

As he looked on, he saw that it was his friends, and they were talking together outside of a building with a big red door.

None of them were in their predator forms, they must have finished the hunt then.

Orange cleared his throat and stepped around the fence, revealing himself to them.

He was met with six gazes as he uncomfortably tried to approach the subject that was most definitely on all their minds. But before he could say anything, Cyan spoke up, with a glare at Red, who had looked like he was just about to scold Orange.

"Orange, there you are. You know you're not supposed to be out here right now." She said, obviously trying to be nice to the smaller monster.

Orange's instincts were telling him, for some unknown reason, that there was danger, and that he should run. He stiffened, but he knew that these were his friends, so he stayed right where he was.

"I thought that you guys may have been done. So I came to see how it went." He said, aware that it was only the partial truth. He couldn't help it when his eyes quickly darted back and forth between his friends.

While Red and Cyan didn't seem to buy his answer at all, the others did. Yellow stepped forwards to put his wing (What do I call the limbs for any of these guys HELP) on Orange's shoulder, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the atmosphere.

"Well you came just in time, we were just finishing up." Yellow said, looking back at the others. The others nodded and muttered in agreement.

Orange still couldn't feel completely comfortable around the others knowing what he knew now, but still tried his best to act casual.

"That's...good." He said, faking a smile as he tried to match his usual excitement. "How did it go?" He asked.

Blue was the one who spoke next, and Orange could still hear the excitement in his voice. He felt a pang of jealousy that the larger monster had been able to join the hunt, even though he knew what had happened was solely his own fault.

"It was quite a quick hunt actually. Cyan managed to kill two of them." Blue said.

From where Green was standing next to him, Orange could see the monster visibly deflate. Blue took notice of it, however, and rested his arm on Green's shoulder as a silent reassurance.

Yellow continued on, and he seemed determined to ignore the awkwardness that was sure to come later, if not soon.

Before anyone could speak any further, Red silently motioned to Cyan from where he was standing. The sharp-toothed monster seemed to understand what he was saying, and followed him inside the building as he turned and re-entered it right behind them.

Everyone was silent for a moment as they all wondered what had just happened. Yellow glanced at Purple, who had yet to speak, but the quiet monster simply shrugged.

"Anyways..." Yellow said, laughing awkwardly. "We'll tell you about our kills while we wait." The monster said.

"Ah, okay." Orange replied quietly, still looking at the door where Red and Cyan had just disappeared.

Yellow moved his wing to Orange's back and guided him towards the others, and they made themselves comfortable as they each told the others about their murderous adventure, sharing jokes and laughs.

Orange tried to enjoy himself as he once had, but the intense descriptions of the abuse they had enacted upon the innocent humans made him very uncomfortable.

He needed to do something, he just needed to find the perfect time.


Another day, another opportunity to cause suffering for the characters in my story.

If anyone is interested, I may start a new story involving the Rainbow Friends, and it will be taking requests for one-shots. It will involve shipping and self-insert if you like, and maybe even crossovers.

It's not open yet, and there is still a chance it won't happen, but if you want to make a request, you can go ahead and start brainstorming or put them in here and I'll take them into account.

Have a good day/night!

Forever Could be Better (Part 3/5)

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