Your not a bad wolf

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🌙Willa pov:

I was walikng in the den shearcing for Wynter. I even asked everyone who i passed by where she is because i couldnt find her anywhere, but no one know where she was. I got my phone out and asked Zed, Addison, the aliens, Eliza, Bree, Bucky and the aceys but no one knew where she was.
So i decided to call her, the phone rang for a few minutes but no one answerd so i started shouting a bit angryly.
"Wynter please come on out!" "Wynter where the fuck are you, i dont have time to play games please come out!"
But i got no answer. Until a few minutes later i heard some muttering from Wynters room so i ran to her room and finally i found her on her bed muttering to herself and hitting her head softly with her fist like she always do. I quickly sat down next to her and now i heard what she was saying
"Bad wolf" "bad wolf"
I putted my hand on her shoulder and with my other hand i took her hands away from her head and held them while i spoke
"Wynter listen to me, you are not a bad wolf. I dont know what happend but i van tell that you are not a bad wolf, your my best friend i love you just the way you are, okay?"
I smiled at her reassuringly. Then she looked at me and hugged me tight with tears in her eyes. I hugged her back and rubbed her back softly and i strocked her hair as i spoke.
"Hey, hey its okay, im right here."
After a few minutes she pulled away and wiped her tears away and she said.
"Thank you this really ment a lot"
I smiled at her reassuringly as she smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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