Chapter 3 Percy

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O"We know where she is" I tell Leo

"What do you mean? Like is she here?" He asks

"She's not here but we found where she was at" I tell him

"Now, come on!" He yells and rushes out of the room to go to the deck.

"Wait, but you don't even know where she is" I yell

"I know but you do" he yells back then comes back into the room, grabs my hand, and heads back out. We run straight to the engine room where Nico and Hazel are talking.

"Excuse me, Hot Ass Shit coming through," Leo yells "and Percy is here as well." Nico holds up his hands in surrender and starts to head out but not before walking up to me and whispering

"Thank you, in the few days I've known he's been in this funk" and smiles as he walks out

"If you hurt Leo your dead" Hazel says and I thought we where closer than her and Leo. Not that I'm to hurt. I've got all these people on this ship who have treated me better than most. But not like I'm the dude who saved the world more like I'm the guy they are saving thr world with. Which doesn't happen as often as you would hope.

"Okay," Leo interrupts my thoughts "where do we need to go?".


When we get to the parking spot Leo notices a lemonade stand and deciceds that he must try some. I don't even know. So Nico and him go to grab some for the 8 of us hoping that he'll be able to hand Annabeth one.

After five minutes they both come back and with arms full. Maybe we should've sent another person with them but for the most part they looked fine. They were talking about the different kinds of fruits and which is the best: Nico said apples and Leo said raspberries. They both walked around thr room and handed out the cups

"That girl got some serious money today" Leo says as gives Piper a cup and we all smile at him.

"How much?" I ask out of curiosity

"$2.50 per cup" Leo says, "which means she got like 20 bucks from me!"

"More like 10 dollars from me and 10 from you" Nico says

"Yeah, but I feel like I did the most work" Leo says as he scruntches his eyebrows. I bit the inside of my mouth to keep from smiling like a serial killer because dam he's so beautiful. I'm staring at him as he walks up to me to hand me a lemonade his hand grazes mine very.



He likes to drag stuff out. Including my dic- nevermind

When he finally moves his hand I can finally bREATHE

Dam who knew short people could be so hot? I thought they were just angry but Leo has never been angry. At least that I'm aware of.

We all chug the lemonaid and Leo and Nico head to the engine room. They are really close so I decide to leave them alone and hang out with Jason for a bit.

"Hey, how is Leo?" Jason asks. I get that they are worried about him. But why is everything about him?

"Why don't you ask him?" I ask

"Because he won't talk to anyone but you and Nico" Jason says

"What do you mean? He talks to Hazel" I say even though I've never seen him talk to Hazel

"What do you mean? He doesn't talk to Hazel, Hazel has been trying to talk to him" Jason says. That makes more sense

"Do you at least now why his arms where bleeding?" I ask

"Yeah, he-" Piper cuts him off

"Jason, I need you in the engine room. Something happened with Leo" my head shoots up and I look at her

"What do you mean?" I ask her

"He tried to... to do it again" she has tears running down her face

"Tried to so what" I ask being confused as hell. I rush out of the room and into the engine room and Nico is in there holding onto something. I take a closer look at it's one of Leo's tools

"I can feel him... He's dying. Percy," Nico looks up "Percy, he wasn't supposed to die. He isn't, I mean"

"Nico, what happened?" I ask

"Leo, he... he tried to kill himself" Nico says

"Where is he right now?" I ask

"His room. Hedge is trying to fix it" Nico is now sobbing and I feel bad. So I walk over and hug him.

"I'm sorry. I know you two are best friends" I tell him

"And I know that you two like each other, I'm not stupid" Nico says

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter I'm with Annabeth. So even if I did like Leo, I'm still with Annabeth" I tell him

"And he might die. So that gets him out of the picture" Nico jokingly says

"Oh, that... That's true" I stutter

"Speaking of Leo" I hold out my hand "let's go check on him" I say and Nico grabs my hand and we leave to go find my Leo.

A/N: Sorry this one was short but Idk what I wanted to do.

-Love canibeurpumkpin

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