Chapter 2 Leo

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"Percy! Percy!" Someone shouts from outside. And I hear Percy groan. Haha bet you thought I was gonna forget he was there. No, I would never that's just rude.

"Percy, we need you on the deck" they shout

"You should probably get up" I tell him staring down at him with my arms on either side of him, my elbows on the bed, and my hands on my chin.

"But what if I don't want to? They can handle themselves without me. They just don't think they can" Percy states. And in my head I'm thinking whatever you want, princess.

"Well, Princess, this sounds interesting" I say about to stand up.

"Woah, hold up 'princess'?" Percy asks

"Yeah, now get up. And go get ready unless you're about to go out in your PJ's" I say

"I very much was gonna" Percy says with a ton of sass. I sigh and walk away

"Wait, Leo?" Percy asks

"Yes, Percy?" I ask

"How are you?" He asks. Dam I'm not going down that road. I could, in theory, just say fine. But I don't think he wants to hear that. On the other hand I could tell him everything. But that might lead to a break down and I am not crying in front of a child of the big three. But I miss Annabeth so much. It's keeping me from doing anything.

"I'm not doing so hot" I whisper and grab some clothes to change in the bathroom.

"Come out whenever you're ready. I have an oversized sweater in my closet and some of Jason's shorts I've been meaning to give back" I tell him and head out the door realizing I shouldn't have that with how much Percy turns everyone on. And in my sweater??? I might as well die.

20 minutes later

I'm standing in the deck waiting for Percy. When he suddenly exits. Wearing my sweater and Jason's shorts.

"Now, Leo, isn't that your sweater?" Piper asks me

"Yeah, it is. He just needed something last night and we ended up playing chess for three hours and at that point it was really dark in the hallways so I just said to stay with me" I lie for the most part. Thankfully she just nods like it happens every other day

"It's so weird to see Percy wearing someone else's sweater. Usually Annabeth was the one who wears his sweater and not him wearing yours" Piper says. And I forget for a whole night that Percy and Annabeth were together. Annabeth means the world to me I would never be the person her boyfriend cheated with. Ever.

So I do the normal thing and rush out of the room going straight back to my bedroom. I turn around and lock the door, rush over to my bathroom, grab the little razor that's sitting on my sink. A) this is what fell yesterday it fell into that trash can and that thing likes to be loud as fuck. B) no I am not about to shave if I were going to I would turn on the shower (Fun fact: my room is the only room with a shower) . I don't get the little voices in my head telling me to do stuff. You guys are just insane. Because it's never been voices. It's like little tid bits of my memory. Like when my mom died. I hear myself tapping out the "I love you" or my first foster home. The belts leaving red marks across my back.

That is how I got to cutting. The belts hurt bad but I wanted to hurt worse. I wanted to be the one who did it. Ever heard the saying "if I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die my way" because that is kinda how it was. I drag the knife across my skin until my whole arm is engulfed in blood. I usually do it on my thighs because people don't look there. Today I just didn't care. It felt too hard.

"Leo?" I hear Percy shout and a jiggle of my door handle. Do a little boogie I tell the door handle.

"Leo, let me in" Percy shouts. And I try to be as quiet as possible so he thinks I'm not here. But I did lock the door... Nobody locks the door if they are leaving. Then I hear him slam into the door. He's gonna break something. That stupid idiot. My arms are still bloody so I can't open the door. I also can't turn on the sink because he'll hear. But if I don't he'll just break down the door. But if I do he'll see my arms. He'll see them either way. I need to get out. I sound like I ran a marathon but the reality is that I'm scared he may find out about them. I skan the room furiously as if it will help me get out of here. Then I notice the window in the corner of my room and rush over to open it. But I forget that I sealed this one shut because I was worried about monsters breaking in. Stupid because the skanner on the other wall would've told me if one was in a five mile radius.

"Leo, open. The. Damn. Door. Right. Now" he yells and now I'm getting triggered. Wonderful. That's when I see him.


He's standing in the corner with a gun pointed at me. He's yelling at me about something but I can never hear it over the blood rushing to my head. All I can do is stare at him. Then after his five minute monologue he shoots me. The police arrive an hour later getting an anonymous tip. Mark's mother.

I hear very distantly that my door is broken. I'm just standing there useless as always staring and a dang window like it will solve everything. I slowly snap out of it and turn over slowly to face Percy. And he's staring at my arm.

"What happened?" He asks. Reaching for my arm and staring at it. He wraps his fingers around my wrist and brings it up to his face... And here is where Percy does the unbelievable... Are you ready? No???? Yes??? Okay


I'm staring at the spot he kissed. Because I'm still in shock that he did so.

"Annabeth" he whispers

"No, I'm Leo" I tell him and he chuckles. Damn that's hot.

"No, we know where she is"

A/N: Hello, pretties and handsome fellows and everyone in between.

I hope you enjoyed this I finally was like hey I've got time. Why not?

Please tell me if I made a spelling error. It's these damn fingers.... No really tho. I know everything (somethings) but when I type it out it does some voodoo magic shit. And messes up 😭

-love canibeurpumkpin :3

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