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After two days.

In kapoor house.

Arjun brothers were making him ready. Pranit was checking the decoration. Pritha devaki and val were arranging aarthi plate for welcome new couple after marriage.

In arjun room.

Yash said"look arjun you look to handsome".with a smile.

Bhim said"yes you are right bhai".with smile.

Naksh pout and said"more than me".

Dev said"stop pouting like a kid".

Arjun was in deep though . Bhim keep his hand on Arjun shoulder then Arjun came out of thoughts. He smiled at them.

Naksh tease him"I think bhai didnt hear anything may be he is thinking about his would be wife".

Arjun glared him and warned him"naksh ".

Naksh said" Ok leave look your self in mirror".

He look himself in mirror.

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Bhim said"come let's go it's time".

Arjun with his brother went down.

As he came down pritha look at him with happy tears. She applied kajal dot behind his ears and said"you look to handsome".

Arjun smiled seeing his mother happiness he hug her she hug him back.

Gauri with his family came.

Gauri and raj bless Arjun. Disha hug Arjun then duri came and hug him and said"may  you today get marry her but remember I will definitely get her from you ".

Arjun unwantedly hug him back and said" Let's see you just try i will show you hell. "

Other were unaware from this conversation. They both force smile for each other. Suddenly a unwanted person came that's pallavi.

Pallavi came and said"I know you are shocked you didn't call me but pritha aunt invited me".to Arjun.

Arjun look other side.

Pranit said"come on let's go it time".

Pritha said"yes let's go devaki val let's go ".

Devaki and val came there and said" You look cool Arjun".

He smiled at there words.

Everyone goes out side. Pranit some business friend also came.

Bhim and yash make Arjun sit on horse and other goes and sit in car. Slowly they start to goes to subha house.

In yadav house.

House was decorated with flower, All guest was comming revathi rukmini were making subha ready for marriage. They were teasing her. Vrushali also came and hug her and make her ready.

THE LOVE THAT LASTS TELL END♥Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora