7• Vani

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Shahneela averted her gaze to the man standing next to her chair. Dayan was looking around, doing his job he was making sure his employer's safety. She averted her attention back to her business partner.

"Miss Shahneela! I really liked your plan and I am really into this. It will be great, if we do it together" He spoke professionally.

"I am glad, that you liked the concept. I will ask my manager to share details with your team. I am looking forward to work again with you Mr. Azar!" She elegantly said to him. A light smile lingered on her face at the end.

"Same here Ma'am!" He said as they rose up from their chairs.

"See you on Monday" Shahneela walked ahead. Dayan followed her with firm steps. He moved forward his hand to take her laptop bag. She gave it to him and put on her sunglasses.

"I will go for shipping!" She announced to him when they sat into the car. According to the schedule they should have gone back to the office but his boss had other plans.

Tomorrow, was the wedding of Dayan's sister and they would be leaving for Islamabad the same day. She didn't know how would he manage all of it but it was not her concern. She wanted him to accompany her. That all that mattered to her.

"Okay!" Dayan nodded his head and turned the car to the road leading to the city's biggest mall.

"If you need anything for your sister's wedding. You can ask me!" She said to him, looking out of the window.

"No boss! Whatever you have already done is enough. I am very thankful to you. There is nothing left. I have managed everything" He replied respectfully.

"Asking for help doesn't harm us Dayan!" She commented.

"It kills our self respect Boss!" He said to her looking into the back view mirror. She looked up. Their gaze met and he quickly averted his eyes back to the road.

"I would love to help your sister anyway!" She ended the conversation.

Dayan's cell phone started making a noise.

"How many times I have asked you to put your phone on silent!" She asked him strictly. The ringing noise made her furious. Couldn't he understand such a small thing?

"I am sorry Boss!" He quickly put the phone on silent mode. He couldn't check who it was otherwise Shahneela would loose her patience.

He waited till they reached at the parking of the mall. She stormed out of the car and slammed the door. He closed his eyes hearing the loud sound. His fingers fisted but he opened her eyes and fingers simultaneously releasing a long sigh.

She was his boss she could do anything and he had to tolerate it.

He checked his phone. There were calls from different numbers. Today was an important day in his life and he was stuck with her. She couldn't even give him a leave for one important day. His heart got hurt at such strictness of her.

"Where the hell are you Dayan? Should I tell you again what's happening at home? We need you here" He heard an audio message sent by Alina.

"I never understand what's your problem. You never give importance to your family. You should be at home right now" There was another audio message of her and she was furious at her.

"I will try to come back earlier but I am stuck here Alina! Try to understand me" He didn't want to sound helpless while recording a message to her so he composed himself.

He sat at the same place for next two hours. His mind was wondering through the corridors of his house. He wanted to be with his people right now but he couldn't leave his work.

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