My senses weren't as sharp as they were before. Being chained up for one and a half months dimmed all my senses and the lack of food and water drained me entirely. My pace was slowing, so much that I could once again hear the wolves gaining on me.

My body is too tired, I thought tiredly, I'm sorry Ellie. I'm sorry everyone, my mate, Mia, and I'm sorry my pups. I've failed you.

My chest heaved. My legs burned. My whole body shutting down. I didn't stop. Couldn't. What good would it be that I went down without a fight?

Before I could collapse I sharply turn to face the enemies. They all formed a circle around me. I was trapped. There was about thirty wolves surrounding me. I was outnumbered and weak but I didn't let that frighten me.

I tried to stop the heay breathing. Tried to calm the heaving chest. Tried to cease the shaking my body was clearly showing. Through the weakness I held my head high. No one will stop me from reaching the Shadow Blood pack or my pregnant mate.

I deny the fact that Ellie and I have went through all this shit for nothing.

'Believe in yourself Bruce! Because I do! I love you!' Her words echoed in my head.

"Get down!" A man ordered. He had power behind his words. Not enough to overthrow me, sadly for them.

Lifting my head up I howl. Wasn't an ordinary howl though, this howl was angry, powerful.

Life will go on
Life will embrace the bond
Of the two beings who are very fond of the other
There is something beyond that of which others aren't allowed to respond to
Only the two and the family belong in the world of the beyond

The words were whispered around me. Only allowing me to hear them.

With every breath, every beat of my heart, my strength returned. Heat and power pulsed in and around me, growing and growing until I shone with a bright light.

"What the hell?" he muttered right before I leapt forward and tackled the first wolf that got in my way. He screamed out in pain as I ripped a chunk off of whatever I got a hold of first.

Quickly, with sure movements, I attack the next person vigorously.

'Bruce there's a tracker in you!' Ellie's scream cut through my hazy state enough that I was suddenly reminded of why I was fighting these wolves in the first place. I had to leave. If I didn't then the reinforcements should be arriving soon. That'd be bad.

Growling one last time, I turn with renewed strength, taking off into the forest once again.

It felt as if hiding deep within the dark of the forest, something or someone was watching me as I ran through it.

I shake my head, ridding myself of those thoughts. The important thing right now is how I'm going to get the tracker out without stopping for a few minutes. A thought hit me. Of course! The tracker was implanted in the middle of my back. So as I pass by a sharp looking rock, I jump, turn to the side, and clamp my teeth together as the rocks sharp edge sliced through my rough skin.

Once my paws were firmly planted on the ground I turn my head and, quickly, dug out the chip and tossed it aside. Not a second later was I already running. Every step I took was like getting hit by a bus repeatedly.

I didn't stop for five full days. I didn't stop to eat, only to drink - not like there's anything to eat, really, haven't caught a single scent of animal. I knew that I had to stay hydrated to keep the little strength I have. I've tried to mind-link any and every one I could but to no avail.

My appearance must have been horrible. Blood covered my fur from paws to muzzle. Literally. Those thoughts of my appearance had no impact on me. What did was all the horrible scenarios of what could be happening to Ellie that was constantly on my mind.

She sacrificed her freedom for mine. Oh, what have I done? I left my little one all alone. No one will be able to protect her. Well, except for herself, of course. It's just that lately there's a certain limit to what she can and can't do. Her stomach is already huge with the babe. I make my legs move faster. The thought of her babe had me thinking of my own pups and mate.

How could I be a father? I don't know the first thing about parenthood. Sure, I watched over Ellie most of our lives - her mate took over that role a long time ago - but that didn't make me an expert.

I past a tree, feeling the leaves brush along my side, turn left to dodge another one and slide to a halt. Body shaking, I wobble on my feet as I watch a figure appear from the shadows. Beta Ryan stood there in all his powerful glory. Growl after growl rumbled from deep within me.

He smirks. "I told the girl that I would catch you," he laughs emotionlessly. "I guess your ancestors aren't watching over you after all."

"You're alone."

The Betas shrug was casual, giving me a smile. "Good. More for me to kill."

The same time Beta Ryan jumped forward I used the tree behind me to my advantage and pushed from it. We clashed head on.

Above the sky roared with thunder. Lighting struck.

As he wrapped his arms around my neck I quickly dug my claws into his back. Growling, he lets go and we both back away. He seems to come to a conclusion because in the next second he shifts into his wolf. I resist taking a step back. The Beta. . .the Beta was huge. We were about the same size. Werewolves are naturally the size of horses but I was always the biggest amongst them. Including the Alphas.

Yet the Beta was my exact height. Oh no. If the Beta and I were equal then that meant the Alpha King was even bigger than the both of us.

Chest to chest, our hind legs supporting us, we snap our jaws at each other. Snarling and growling. I managed to clamp mycanines on his neck when he scratched my back, digging into my already open wound. I howl in agony and back up. He rams into my side, knocking me off my feet only to jump on me and lock onto my neck.

I kick him across the field. Like a wild dog thirsting for Blood Beta Ryan leapt forward. He didn't get the chance to touch me. When the lightening hit a huge tree it fell, blocking his way.

Thank you, I pray to anyone who heard me.

And I was back to running. The rain beating against me in a way that made me shiver.

The Alpha Kings territory felt as if I were traveling forever in darkness. The trees stayed dark as did the sky. The first signs of anything changing was the atmosphere. The air became fresher, clean, the trees more green, animals and the sky brightening and coming alive.

As I look ahead I noticed the end of the territory. Pumping my legs, I gain back my speed, flying out of the place. Instantly, I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders, mind clearing up.

I look back one last time before leaving for the Shadow Blood pack territory. Never again will I leave Ellie. She's too precious to be abandoned.

I never had the chance to actually enjoy my freedom. Then again how could I? My little one is locked up somewhere in that horrid place. Pregnant. Alone. Afraid. Strong. Brave.

I throw my head back, and, with a tornado filled with emotions, let loose a howl that echoed in every direction for miles and miles on end.

Landscape blurred past me until, finally, I entered Shadow Blood territory.

Ahhhhh!!!! What do you think's going to happen? Well, you'll see in the next chapter. Or will you? Haha, no, I'm just playing. Anyways, I hope all you a very good day or night.
Love you, guys.

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